My World Turned Upside Down

492 29 47

°~3 Days Later~°


On horseback, we trotted into the city. It was no longer a land of poverty, for all the faces surrounding us shone with hope.

Negotiations of surrender began on the 17th at Moore House. Alexander was invited to attend, where I pleaded him to be "as peaceful as he could". I had no information to whether that went well or not. Alas, by the 19th, the articles of capitulation were signed, declaring Cornwallis' men as prisoners of war.

Later that day, the surrender ceremony commenced, where a General by the name of Charles O'Hara led Cornwallis' men onto the field. He surrendered his sword to Benjamin Lincoln after Rochambeau and Washington had refused it; meanwhile the British surrendered their artilery.

And now here we were, following to the beat of the song 'The World Turn'd Upside Down'. I'd heard it briefly whilst we were coming to the end of the surrendering process, but now it had evolved almost into a full anthem.

"Listen to me and you shall hear,
News hath not been this thousand year:
Since Herod, Caesar, and many more,
You never heard the like before!

Holy-dayes are despis'd, new fashions are devis'd
Old Christmas is kickt out of Town
Yet let's be content, and the times lament,
You see the world turn'd upside down!"

"We really did it." I rode beside Alexander, my throat swelling up.
"The end of a war, but not the end of conflict." he sighed. "Redcoats are still occupying the city. The sooner we get rid of them, the sooner that we will be entirely free. For now, only a portion of us are... including you."

I faced him out of curiosity. He grinned, flicking his head to the side. "Go. See him. See your family, before they notice that I've let you go."
My face beamed, realising that I could finally see Emily and Charles again.

My horse bounded down the road, directly towards my awaited home that was much closer than the Dame. Soldiers kissed their wives, embraced their children, and voices rang out that fateful song marking the end.

"The wise men did rejoyce to see our Savior Christs Nativity:
The Angels did good tidings bring, the Sheepheards did rejoyce and sing
Let all honest men, take example by them
Why should we from good Laws be bound?"

I rode through street after street, eventually turning to one that I recognised as my own. It had been too long; to see regular civilisation was considered a fantasy. I hadn't even seen another woman besides myself since we were in Williamsburg. But to see my own blood, my only source of biological family... I could not wait.

I leapt from the horse, half-expecting that Emily would have came outside to observe the commotion. I knocked at the door, practically prancing around from the excitement. Sally nudged through the creak in the opening door, barking at my feet whilst trying to climb her way up my legs. Emily, however, was not so thrilled, carrying a bed-head of hair.

That was not all there was, alas.

Her eyes couldn't even light up when she saw me.

If anything, they grew heavier.

"The war, it's over!!" I exclaimed. I threw my arms over her, yet she didn't hug back. "We can be a family!"
"Y/N, I--"
"Oh dear God, tell me you've been alright!" I insisted, having not heard from her for weeks. "You've been alright, haven't you?"
"Yes, Y/N, but I--"
"Thank God!" I hugged her again. "And Eliza? The child, is the child okay?!"
"Her baby is okay-"

"Ugh, I've missed you all too much!" Finally seeing someone who I'd known my entire life and trusted more than ever filled me with all sorts of emotion.
"Y/N, can we please tal--"
"There's no need for talking right now, Emily, we're free!" -I turned my head aside- "And I love him. I love him!"

"Y/N you have to listen-!"
"You've opened my eyes to it, Emily!" I cried out. "I love him... And we're going to be a family. Just as you and John are going to be!" I started to giggle hysterically, pecking her on the cheek. "Thank you, Emily."
"Y/N, no, you can't-!"

I refused to listen to a word she had to say. Screw disrupting time, screw getting back to this future... This was my future. With the child. With the family. With Charles. With our family. I couldn't care for anything more than this. If I was going to live and die here, I would have to make the most out of my time.

And this was it.

I jumped back onto my horse, striking the reins and galloping away for the Dame.

"Y/N, WAIT!!"

I couldn't. I couldn't waste one more second not being with him. I laughed at the Redcoats amongst the crowds, forced to sing that song that would mark their eternal shame. Some even saluted me as I passed by, possibly unaware of my identity. There was no such moment that could make me happier than this.

I still had the letter I wrote weeks ago safely in my pocket. I would explain everything to him, and if he chose to accept me, I would never think twice about refusing him ever again. We could have a child or two, living out our days in this glorious nation. We could travel the world, if I could finally persuade him to board a ship. He could teach me about Spanish culture, whilst I'd teach him about the centuries to come.

I was intoxicated by it.

I bolted through the town and down this all-so familiar road, crossing Mulligan & Son as I went. If not at the Dame, that was the next place I'd check. I came down from the horse again, almost tripping over the stirrup. I swung the gate open, and once again, not a soul was present outside. Even with the curtains open in the window, not one person was to be seen. Strange... I would have expected it at this time of the day.

Nevertheless, I knocked at the door, bouncing my knees up and down at the thought that I would see him again.

Valentino opened the door. Just like Emily, her eyes were engulfed with despair. But she was pale. Extremely pale.

"Charles, where is he?!!" I almost begged for her to tell me.


She looked down.

"...He's gone, Sophie."

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now