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°~2 Months Later~°

°~8th April, 1781~°


"Espío con mi pequeño ojo algo que comienza con..." Charles and I top and tailed a bed, playing a game of I Spy. It apparently didn't exist yet, so I explained the rules simply enough. But there was a catch. He thought it'd be fun to try and play it in Spanish, for over these couple of months he'd started tutoring me on the language.

I stared at the ceiling, awaiting his letter. "P."
"P?" I questioned.
"Si, P." Great, what words began with P?
"...Pájaro." I guessed, although it definitely wasn't correct.
Charles sat up. "Why would there be a bird in the room?" he chuckled.
"I don't know!"
"Come, this one's easy!"

I grunted, tracing the patterns on the ceiling. "Techo."
"That's a T." 
"I really don't know! Give me a clue."
He sighed. "Wherever you step foot into, it's always there." He implied something with the emphasis of "step foot".
I peeked at the floor. "Piso?"
"Congrats, genius."

"How sarcastic you've become all of a sudden!" I teased.
"Sarcastic?" -He sat up- "What does that mean?"
"It means... to poke fun at someone in an... ironic kind of way."
He raised an eyebrow.
"For example, you called me a genius. I'm obviously not a genius, for I couldn't guess that easily enough. Therefore, it's irony."
"Oh. I see."

Charles and I were technically adults now, so there was no need to take our daily classes anymore. Whilst the students and orphans studied in the living room, we lumbered upstairs talking nonsense and playing games. Emily was engaged, so there was no need for her to come here anymore.

Suddenly, horses rattled down the street, one after the other. There had to be hundreds, for the noise became louder. "What is that?" Charles wondered. I scurried at the window before he could, taking a peep outside. Those in buildings across from us were doing the same.

The soldiers had returned home early.

"This can't be..." I gasped. I minded my way past Charles to hurry downstairs. He followed. One of the tutors, Mrs Phillips, bolted from the living room. "What's happening?!" I asked.
"I'm not sure..." I trailed with her to the door. She ragged it open, revealing as the stallions marched past.

"Maybe they're passing through?" Charles suggested.
"Maybe they're not." I stumbled back to receive my coat from the rack.
"Where are you going?" Mrs Phillips asked.
"To tell Mrs Hamilton and Emily."
"You might be hurt!"
"I'll go out back."

I charged for the back door, Charles jogging up from behind. "Y- You know where you're going, don't you?"
Valentino and the others came out from the living room, having heard the commotion. "Of course. Can't be that hard, can it?"
"Brother! Come!!" Valentino snatched Charles' hand to drag him away. I smiled goodbye, leaving the Dame.


Cutting through the backs of houses was confusing, but I managed to find my way home securely enough. I hadn't encountered any signs of danger, including soldiers. Yet whether they were a signal of threat, we couldn't know for sure.

I checked to my left and right before seizing the house. "SOPHIE!" someone called, accompanied by horse gallops. I spun around to see Alexander dashing to me.
"Oh, thank God!" He reared the horse to a halt and slid off of it into my arms. "Why are you back?! What's happening?!" I interrogated frantically.
"It's nothing to worry about, now where is Eliza?"
"Inside, as far as I'm aware."

Alexander tied the horse to the metal fence bordering our home. He slithered past the gate and barged through the door. Sally barked at him defensively, causing Emily to find what the issue was. "Alexander?!" she questioned in shock.
"Emily." He hugged her just as he had to me. "Where is Eliza?"
"U- Upstairs!"

Emily and I shared a bewildered look, before racing straight after him. He stormed through his and Eliza's bedroom, where she was porched writing a letter. "Ale--?!!" He locked his face in with hers, and for a moment I thought he'd never let go. But he pulled himself away, gazing into her eyes lovingly. "I thought you weren't coming back unti--"
"I know, my love. And all shall be explained." He steadied her to her feet. "Let's gather in the dining room."

Emily was the first to leave. I tugged at her shoulder halfway down the stairs. "What do you think he's doing?" I whispered.
"I dunno. Have you seen anything?"
"The soldiers. The whole army, they came back."
"But why?"
"I hope that's what he'll tell us."

We all rejoined in the dining room. Alexander joined his hands together. "Don't tell me you've got yourself into a bother again, Alexander." Eliza interrupted the silence.
"No, my love. No bother." he laughed. "We... We were headed for the West, and with only 3 months, the Generals believed we were fit for battle. Or, to the least, the recruits. Boys from ages fifteen years to attack enemy lines. Once we'd transpired, we realised that we were outnumbered. There was no defeating them. Boys died as men. Alas, we had to retreat to the East. General Washington ensured that we'd be secure to stay here for the night, and continue our journey at dawn."

"You resigned to your homes?" I questioned.
"Not all. I'd say 80-90% are renting a place to stay as we speak, for we must remain local to this area." Alexander explained.
"S- So where's John?" Emily asked. Her face had grown much whiter with the explanation.
He reared his hand onto hers. "John is well. He is presently in South Carolina, fighting for slavery."
"...He never told me..."

The surge of guilt sank in. After 3 months, I'd have thought that John would've told her of his location. If I knew he hadn't, I would've told her myself.

"Well, a night with my family deserves the honour of celebration!" Eliza exclaimed. "For we may never have another until the winter."
"Such enthusiasm that I love to see in a woman!" Alexander rejoiced. "How does that sound?" he directed at us.
"Splendid!" I agreed.
"Yes... Sounds great." Emily forced a smile.

"Then let's set the table!"


Sorry it's shorter than usual

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now