1. Hyung

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"Do you really have to go?" Yugyeom groaned and Jungkook chuckled. 

"Yes I do, I'm tired of living like this." 

"But this is who you are hyung. You can't just leave because you don't want to be a slut anymore." Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance 

"okay 1. Don't call my Hyung. and 2. Yes, it does, yea I love to fuck and get fucked but it's getting to the point where I want something real and no one here takes me seriously. and no one understands me. Yugyeom jaw dropped and he scuffed. 

"Seriously...I TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY AND I UNDERSTAND YOU! We have been friends for 7 years Jeon Jungkook I know the reason your a hoe" Jungkook rolled his eyes and put a piece of salad in his mouth "you know what fine, if you want to leave, leave it done trying to talk you about it. But remember your past always ends up following you." Jungkook rolled his eyes and continued to eat. "But I know you will miss me....Hyung" Jungkook dropped his fork and glared at Yugyeom. Yugyeom got up and started to run and Jungkook got up chasing him. 




" MARK!!!JACKSON!!! HELP MEEE" Yugyeom hid behind Mark and Jackson and Jackson laughed. 

"Did you call him hyung again?" Yugyeom nodded and Jackson looked at Mark and nodded, they moved out the way so Jungkook had a full view of Yugyeom and Jungkook smirked and Yugyeom ran away again Jungkook chasing him again. 


"Nope, sorry Yugyeom not this time... I STILL have the mark from trying to help you last time... AND IT WAS A WEEK AGO!!!? Yugyeom continued to run till he got tired and Jungkook grabbed his shirt slamming him into the lockers and Yugyeom surrendered and Jungkook laughed and let him go. 

the bell rang and they went to class. Jungkook sat down and girls started to crowd him asking him questions like 'Oppa is it true your leaving?' 'Oppa can you fuck me one more time before you go?' 'Oppa when are you leaving?' 'Oppa this and Oppa that' 

"Stop calling me Oppa! I ain't your Oppa, say that again and ill Kill yall! leave me the fuck alone and no I don't want to fuck yall again, yall were loose, and some of yall need to learn how to shower cause yall stank,... Now get the fuck out of my face and never bother me again." The girls ran away crying some went to their seats while others went to their classes, the teacher walked in and winked at Jungkook and he groaned and put his head down...he really has fucked everyone in that school, well minus the Markson couple, and Yugyeom, he was even reasons for couples breakups, the guy would get mad and either fight Jugnkook or fuck Jungkook. 

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