27. Vanilla~

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Short but soft chapter

Jungkook woke up first still in the same potition, actually it seemed if they didn't even move... Jungkook got an idea and moved his hips back and forth and started feeling Yoongi member getting hard. He moaned as it got hard as a rock and pushed against his prostate. He felt Yoongis hands automatically grip his hips and moaned.

"Fuck baby.. 1. Great way to wake up, and 2. I told you so"

"D-Daddy aaahh feels... sooo goood mmm"

"Fuck baby you feel so good especially with my cum still in you"

"Nghaah" Jungkook rocked his hips back and forth stil lazily. Yoongi got an idea and took Jungkook off his member before laying in on his stomach. He spread Jungkooks legs and lined his member up and slowly slid in. He laid down so he was on top of Jungkooks back arm under Jungkooks holding his shoulder, his other hand intertwined and slowly thrusted into Jungkook. "D-Daddy..."

"Shhh Just call my name baby."

"Y-Yoongi... feels so good aaahhmmm" Yoongi wasn't the one for vanilla sex he never was but with Jungkook he wanted to try new things and doing vanilla lazy sex with Jungkook felt amazing.

"Damn Jungkook you feel soooo good" he kept the slow pace not really speeding up it wasn't even a constant thrusting he would thrust in wait a few seconds pull out a little before thrusting back at a medium pace then hold it a few seconds before pulling out again. It went on for what seemed like forever.


"I know baby... go ahead cum for me"

"Nngghaaaah!!!!" Jungkook came and clenched around Yoongi causing Yoongi to cum. He pulled out and laid beside Jungkook.

"That was...."

"Good" Yoongi smiled and nodded his head.

"And I'm not the one for vanilla sex"

"Neither am I but I loved it." Yoongi smiled and kissed his forehead.

"What time is it?" Jungkook grabbed his phone turning it on.

"Oh my god it's only 3:47"

"Are you kidding me?"


"Welp time to go back to sleep" Yoongi grabbed Jungkook pulling him into him and Jungkook giggled. "Goodnight love."

"Goodnight Yoongi"

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