5. school

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Jungkook woke up to his alarm, he groaned and turned it off. He got out of bed and almost fell over he looked at his side table to see a cup of water, pills, and a note.  

'Hey I put this here with some painkillers, when you got home you crawled in bed and passed out so I decided not to be a complete ass and leave these here for when you wake up. See you at school. 

Jungkook chuckled at the note and took the pills and drank the water before getting up again. He went to the bathroom and he looked so hung over he went back to his room and grabbed some clothes going back to the bathroom getting in the shower. When he was done he looked in the mirror and sighed. He really did not want to go to school but good thing it's a Friday. And he only had the rest of this year and next. He sucked it up grabbing his bookbag and his keys taking one last look at his apartment before heading to school. When he drove up everyone was eyeing his car, and when he got out everyone was no longer looking at his car but at him. He walked up into the school with a smirk and everyone's eyes were on him no one said anything nor did they blink. Suddenly everyone was screaming and Jungkook looked behind him and saw the doors opening and Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jimin all walked in and everyone went crazy. 

'Oh my god BTS is so hooot' 

'I want them to have my babies' 

'Min Yoongi can use me any day'

'why Park Jimin and you can Ride Jimin' Jungkook chuckled at that remembering that Namjoon said something about that. Jin ran over to Jungkook and brought him into a hug and Jungkook stood there shocked and surprised, and so were the rest of the people in the school till they got excited. 

'Oh my god the new kid is so hot' 

'id fuck him' some guys said

'shit is he apart of BTS?'

'Maybe he can date Jimin or Yoongi.'

'Jimin is dating Tony... and definitely not Yoongi is a fuck boy'

'well maybe the new kid is a slut and would like to get fucked by Yoongi...damn Yoongi would be the lucky one in that situation' Jungkook tensed and Jin told him to calm down. 

"Come sit with us and show us your schedule" 

"I thought you were in college."

"I am this school is attached to a college and its the college I'm going to, I don't have to go for another hour." 

"Damn lucky" Jungkook looked around and saw that Yoongi wasn't there. "where is Yoongi"

"Wow falling for him already?"

"Haha yea...no" 

"Chill just messing with you! He's probably fucking someone in an empty classroom"

"or in the theater" 

"Or in the bathroom" 

"Or in th-"

"OKAY, I GET IT!!! wow...now that I think about it I used to do that... I even ate a teacher out under the table before class, I actually did it once during class. Oh an-" 

"WAIT WHAT!?" Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok yelled. 

"Shit...uhhhh nothing" 

"No no no... you were a fuck boy?" 

"no I was a slut, id fuck girls but guys would fuck me, and never fucked with anyone more than once." 


"Yea that's why I moved here to change I don't want that anymore" 

"If only Yoongi Hyung was like that. He just fucks and fucks, and fucks, and never cares" 

"why does he? I mean I had a reason but why did he?"Namjoon looked at everyone and Jimin sighed. 

"That's not our business to tell..." Jungkook nodded and gave them his schedule. 

"Oh cool you and Namjoon have Afta together (algebra/function/data) and all of us have dance together, Jin usually joins us since he has a free class block that class. it's also lunch so its longer than the other blocks" 

"Ooo that's awesome." 

"And you and Taehyung have art together." 

"Ooof you have music with Yoongi" 

"And that's bad?" 

"No, not really...just...stay away from him." 

"Oh I plan on it" the bell rang and Jungkook and the others got up" 

"I have History.. Mr.Lee" 

"Ohh he's really chill you will like him." 

Jungkook nodded and headed to class taking a deep breath before entering the class. 

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