26. Psychrocism~

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Jungkook was laying on his back blindfolded and handcuffed.Yoongi smirked he had to admit seeing Jungkook like that made him want to be rough with him so he couldn't walk, but he had to restrain himself from pouncing on Jungkook. He got off the bed and left Jungkook on the bed confused while he went downstairs, he grabbed what he needed to and went back upstairs and even from the doorway he looked so hot tied up and blindfolded. He walked over to Jungkook.

"This is what Psychrocism is" he put the item in his mouth and put his mouth on Jungkooks neck and he gasped as Yoongi went from his neck to his chest to his right nipple running the cold item over it before doing the same to the Left. He went down taking the cold substance going over his abs and on his stomach letting it melt. He swallowed the rest and flipped Jungkook over slapping Jungkooks ass. He took the other ice cube putting it in his mouth starting from his neck going down his spine. Jungkook arched his back and moaned out sticking his ass more in the air. Yoongi grabbed and squeezed it while still running it down his spine slapping his ass causing him to moan when he was done half of the ice cube was left so he pulled away looking at Jungkooks entrance smirking before taking it out his mouth licking Jungkooks entrance earning a gasp from the younger. He put the ice cube back in his mouth before licking over it again and thrusting his tongue in his entrance and Jungkook moaned out, he had to admit the cold with the heat felt amazing, Yoongi transferred the ice cube from his mouth to inside of Jungkook and Jungkook moaned out more from the solid coldness that entered his ass. (Cringe) Yoongi stood there watching as Jungkooks home clenched and he shivered and Yoongi smirked.


"Yes baby boy?"

"Please fuck me"

"Hmm since you were a good boy then yes I'll fuck you. How do you want to be fucked baby?"

"Ride...can I ride you please?"

"Can you stay blindfolded for daddy?"

"Yes daddy"

"Then Yes baby you can ride me."

Jungkook got excited when Yoongi untied his hands they were red but he didn't care. He sat on his legs waiting for Yoongi to say or do something. Not long after he felt Yoongi lay on the bed, and a hand on his.

"Come here baby." Jungkook scooted till he felt Yoongis leg then sat on his waist straddling him. "Do you need prep?"

"No daddy please I just want to feel you"

"It will hurt"

"It's okay daddy" Yoongi lifted Jungkook up and lined his member up to Jungkooks entrance and Jungkook started to lower himself onto Yoongi slowly throwing his head back. "D-Daddy"

"I know baby just hold it a little longer" Once Jungkook bottomed out he started to bounce up and down trying to find his spot he rocked and grinded his hips down going faster. "Fuck baby... so damn tight we just fucked an hour ago." Jungkook moaned out when he hit his sensitive spot. Yoongi remembered something and reached to open his mini fridge and got an ice cube out putting it in his mouth sitting up a bit as Jungkook continued to bounce on Yoongis lap releasing loud moans. Yoongi was level with Jungkooks nipple. He brought his mouth that had an ice cube in it and put it on Jungkooks nipple and Jungkook jerked his body.

"D-DADDYY!!! C-COLD AAAH MMM" Jungkook threw his head forward resting in on Yoongis head as Yoongi switched to the other nipple and Jungkooks hole clenched around Yoongi. Yoongis moan was more like a wine since he had an ice cube in his mouth. He grabbed Jungkooks hair yanking it off and fully sat up and connected their lips together and transferred the ice cube from his mouth to Jungkooks. Jungkook moaned into the kiss as the warmth and cold mixed perfectly making it more pleasurable. "D-DADDY!!! C-close"

"Me to baby." Yoongi held Jungkooks hips and started thrusting into him fast and sloppy. Jungkook clenched painfully hard around Yoongis cock trying to hold back from cumming till Yoongi told him to. A few deep harsh thrusts and Yoongis cock twitched. "Fuck baby cum for me."

"D-DADDYYAAAAHHH!!!!!!!" Jungkook releases all over him and Yoongi clenching harder around Yoongis member.

"Fuck baby I'm cumming aaahh fuck Jungkook!!!" Yoongi released deep inside of Jungkook riding out his high before falling back closing his eyes. Jungkook took off the blindfold and Yoongi didn't pull out nor did Jungkook get up.

"So...that was...Psychrocism?"

"Yes Kook it was."

"So ice?"

"Mmmhmm" Jungkook nodded and laid on top of Yoongi.

"I liked it..." Yoongi chuckled

"I could tell"


"You aren't going to get off?" Jungkook shook his head

"It feels good" Yoongi chuckled and nodded his head.

"Don't be surprised when you wake up and my dick is in your ass and is hard." Jungkook shrugged

"Eh maybe ill like it."

"Haha...you dirty boy"

"Only for you"

"Yea keep saying that and I'll get hard now!"

"NO!!! I want to rest first" Yoongi laughed and nodded

"I agree"

"Goodnight Daddy"

"It's the afternoon...but goodnight baby boy"


"Did they seriously skip school just to fuck?"

"Well technically they did go to school...they just fucked there and came back for a round 2?"

"We have sex craved adics in our house!!!!" Namjoon shrugged

"As long as they clean up their shit and don't fuck anywhere other than their rooms I don't give a fuck!"

"Welp I need to cook dinner sooo!"

"Love you"

"Mmmhm love you too jack ass"

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