23. Hes MINE

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Get your tea ready... this chapter might be hot hot HOT!!! 🥵

Monday came pretty fast for everyone, Yoongi and Jungkook decided that they will take Yoongis car, Jungkooks ass is better but both boys were covered in Hickies from their necks to Yoongis chest and Jungkook has them all over his thighs Yoongi LOVES Jungkooks thighs. They got to the school and walked out of the car and everyone's eyes were on them. Yoongi smirked and wrapped his arm around Jungkooks shoulder and Jungkook was surprised but smiled after. They walked into the building and everyone's eyes were on them. Jungkook was wearing one of Yoongis shirts that hung kinda low showing his hickies, Yoongi wore a V neck to show off his, believe it or not it was Yoongis idea so 1. Everyone knows Jungkook is his and 2. Hopefully no skanky ass bitches and sluts try to fuck with Yoongi, they might not have a title but they were each other's and everyone should know it. Sadly some people weren't a fan of it.

'Doesn't he know Yoongi will just get bored of him and throw him away'

'I bet I can try to seduce Yoongi into sleeping with me'

'Min Yoongi will never change hes a Fuckboy and will always be a Fuckboy'

'Damn obviously that guys ass must be nice if Min Yoongi wants to keep him around'

While others were happy



'I SHIP YOONKOOK!!!!' Then cheers started going

"YOONKOOK YOONKOOK YOONKOOK!!!!" Yoongi smirked and kissed the top of Jungkooks head and Jungkook blushed and a lot of people started to fangirl and fanboy while others were upset but they didn't give a fuck in fact they kept walking ignoring the angry/jealous glances some people would give them. They entered the cafeteria and sat down with the others.

"So are you guys like... a thing?" Hoseok hit Taehyung "WHAT someone had to ask"

"Uhhh... yes but no?" Jungkook looked at Yoongi for clarification

"We don't have a label but we know we belong to each other, and everyone else should know too" but maybe he spoke to soon.

"Yoongi Oppa!!!" Yoongi rolled his eyes and Jungook frowned his eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you want Jisoo?"

"Are you busy first block?"

"Yes and I'm busy the rest of my life!"

"But Oppa don't you want me?" Yoongi and Jungkook turned to her and she was wearing a short skirt with a v neck croptop showing her small breast's and for the first time in forever Yoongi cringed in disgust.

"No he doesn't! I don't know if you can see but he belongs to me" Jungkook pointed to the hickies and Jisoo rolled her eyes.

"Don't think your special Jeon he will get bored of you just like he did me" Jungkook laughed and Yoongi started getting mad but couldn't say anything because Jungkook did first

"Well I mean if I was fucking you I would get bored of you to, how many guys have been in you? I know for a fact it wasn't just Yoongi, your a whore who is desperate to get fucked and I can tell your the type that doesn't take no for an answer we'll let me just say this" Jungkook got up and got in front of Jisoo. "He is MINE! He belongs to ME!!! He will NEVER fuck a whore like you again don't even try it, try to seduce him and I WILL find out and beat your fucking ass!!! I may be a guy and you may be a girl but honey I might as well be a girl bc I'm gay as fuck (not literally but you know what I mean) and I'm not afraid to get suspended for a sick whore like you, does your daddy know your selling yourself out to people?" Everyone's eyes widened and Jisoo looked terrified

"H-how do you know?"

"Oh honey you really don't know? Everyone talks about it, how many money do you get for sleeping around with people? I suggest if you don't want your precious daddy to find out what your doing I suggest you stay the fuck away from my man!!! And don't try to lie to your daddy and say I made it up, your dad used to know my mom. So try me bitch!" Jisoo ran away crying and everyone that was once in the hallway was not in the cafeteria in shock "THAT APPLIES TO ALL OF YOU DONT COME NEAR MY MAN OR ILL BEAT YOUR FUCKING ASS!" They all ran out the cafeteria and Jungkook sat down and Yoongi took his head turning to towards his smashing his lips to Jungkooks.

"Let's go... somewhere else" Jungkook understood and smirked eating up following Yoongi.

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