37. Fix it

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Yoongi ran up the stairs and went to Jungkooks room and he heard him crying and it broke his heart. He knocked on the door and heard a faint come in and Yoongi opened the door to see Jungkook curled up holding the pillow Yoongi would usually use if they slept in his room.

"Jungkook? Baby?"

"Go back... to your slutty ass whore" Yoongi rolled his eyes

"Fine" Yoongi shut the door and Jungkook cried harder till he felt the bed sip down.

"I thought I... told you to... go back to your slutty ass whore"

"I did... your my slutty ass whore... only mine"

"What about... L-Lisa?"

"Fuck her... baby I love you please let me explain." Jungkook sniffled and sat up and Yoongis world crashed Jungkooks eyes were bloodshot and his nose all red he looked like everything ended right then and there.

"Fine but then I want you gone."

"Baby you don't mean that"


"No... she kissed me"


"She threatened if I didn't she will hurt you"

"WE- wait what?"

"Yes baby after I left the bathroom I bumped into Lisa and she said if don't break up with you and do what she says her and Taemin will hurt you"

"S-So you do love me?"

"God yes Jungkook I love you so fucking much" Jungkook started to cry again but not the bad kind, the good kind.

"I love you too Yoongi!!!" He Hughes Yoongi and Yoongi smiled and hugged him back.

"Your mood changed fast." Jungkook giggled

"Stupid hormones"

"So... you are pregnant?" Jungkook looked down at his hands and nodded and Yoongi lifted Jungkooks head up and kissed him. "Don't look like that love, it's... weird a guy getting pregnant... yea I admit I am to young and so are you but not much I can do now huh?"

"I'm sorry Yoongi it's just, we were so into it and by the time I realized I forgot I didn't mean to I swe-"

"BABE!!! Calm down okay? It's fine I understand, this will be hard but we will get through it... together, I mean damn luckily we only have 1 month left of school so it won't be to much on you."

"Yoongi... you do realize that I'm a junior right?"

"Oh... yea so that mean you have.. wait how a long are you?"

"Well usually morning sickness usually starts the 6-8 week, I probably got pregnant the first or 2nd time we had sex then, sooo it adds up and I'm between 8-10 weeks pregnant" Yoongi still looked confused and Jungkook giggled "which means I'm about 2 months and 2 weeks pregnant. So 2 and a half months"

"Aaaahhh.. okay... ummm... earlier... Taemin said.."

"I didn't tell you everything that happened with me and Taemin.... I didn't know I could get pregnant we had sex for the first time and I got sick and didn't know what it was when I went to the doctors I found out I was pregnant I was excited, I though he was he asked me to marry him I said yes, after that he started going out more saying 'going to hang with the guys since I won't be able to do that much after our baby is born' and of course I let him, he would come back drunk and that when he started to hit me, it only happened when he was drunk, which wasn't a lot because when he would wake up sober he would apologize take me to check on the baby and spoil me, my dad started to hit me after my mom died, never hit me in my stomach but in my back, the baby was always fine though... the day I found him cheating with... her... he started to get more hands on after I tried to end everything, Yugyeom helped me through a lot when Taemin left I went to the doctors and... they told me I miss-carried from being abused."

"Awww my baby.... ima kill him"

"NOOO!!! Please, it was forever ago."

"Well what happened today in the bathroom?"

"Uhh.. after you left he told me he knew I turned into a slut and asked if I even knew who the real dad was but before I could say anything... he... punched me in the stomach..." Yoongis eyes widened and he got his phone calling someone. "What are you doing?"


"Yo Maddie You better take care of Taemin and Lisa before I do" he growled

"I mean yea but Why what happened?"

"Taemin punched Jungkook in the stomach."

"That son of a bitch!!!!  I'll call back soon!!!"

"Bye" Yoongi hung up and Jungkook looked at him with innocent eyes. "Yes love?"

"I want you"

"Haha You have me love"

"No I mean... I need you... please daddy"

"Fuck these damn hormones"

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