32. Back at School

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A week passed Jungkook still felt like shit but a little better. It was now Monday and he was going back to school. He got ready and met everyone downstairs.

"Are you ready babe?"

"Yup lets go."

Everyone looked at them as they entered the school once again people talking about them.

'I heard that they made it official last week'

'Yea and every day that Jungkook wasn't here Jisoo tried to seduce Yoongi but it never worked.'

"This bitch really tried to seduce my man after I told her to stay the fuck away from him!!!!!" Jungkook thought starting to get pissed off.

"Calm down babe" Yoongi whispered in Jungkooks ear but it didn't help. He was pissed and nothing can change that till....

'I wonder what Jungkook will do when he finds out that 'he's' back"

'Who's back?'

'Oh you don't know?'


'Oh Jungkooks...' Yoongi pulled Jungkook away before he could hear the rest. Jungkook was going to ask why but then he saw Jisoo and got out of Yoongis grip and walked over to Jisoo throwing her against the lockers.

"WHAT THE FU- oh its you what do you want?"

"Didn't I tell you to stay the fuck away from my man?" Jisoo smirked and stood up straight

"He's not your man, he's everyone's man, he fucked everyone here and I had him first" Jungkook balled his fists up

"LISTEN HERE SLUT! I TOLD YOU TO STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM HE DOESNT FUCKING WANT YOUR NASTY STINKY ASS PUSSY THAT EVERY OTHER GUY HAS BEEN IN HES MADE THAT PERFECTLY CLEAR AND ITS FUNNY HOW YOU DIDNT TRY SHIT THE 2 WEEKS AFTER I THREATENED YOU BUT THE SECOND I DIDNT SHOW UP WITH HIM YOU TRIED SHIT WITH HIM! AND YOU KNOW WHY? ITS BECAUSE YOUR A PUSSY ASS BITCH THAT SPREADS HER LEGS FOR ANYONE AND EVERYONE AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO BITCHES LIKE YOU THAT FUCKS WITH ANOTHER MANS PARTNER? THEY GET THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF THEM!" He raised his fist and she flinched but he stopped "but I don't hit girls... but girls can hit girls" he snapped his fingers and the girls that are on Jungkooks 'side' ran up to her and started to beat the shit out of here and she just screamed and Yoongi walked over to Jungkook wrapping an arm around him walking to class.

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