20. Date night.

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the two quickly pulled away and looked shocked... maybe more shocked than Taehyung at this moment.

"Uhhh... sorry for interrupting... I'll just... go"

"WAIT!!! what do you mean Namjoon Hyung is in Jail?"

"Oh yea... he was caught selling weed to someone"

"Fuck!" They both got up running past Taehyung and downstairs before stopping dead set in their tracks cause of what came out of Taehyungs mouth that had everyone look at them.

"JUNGKOOK AND YOONGI HYUNG KISSED!!!" Everyone looked at the 2 who were standing in shock.



"Wait with what money?"

"Oh my parents love Namjoon, they may even know already they are the ones who gave it to him." Jungkooks eyes widened


"Yea my parents are the leaders of a gang, how do you think we have all this money... okay now let's go we have to get him out" they headed to the prison and bailed Namjoon out and Jin ran up to Namjoon and kissed him then handed him $20 and he was confused at first. "Jungkook and Yoongi kissed"

"And I'm taking him on a date" Jungkook blushed and looked down and Taehyung cooed. "Okay well me and Jungkook will be leaving now see you guys at the house." Jungkook looked at Yoongi and everyone smirked and nodded and Yoongi picked Jungkook up throwing him over his shoulder smacking his ass earning a squeal and a tiny moan and Yoongi smirked. "Fucking you would be fun" he smacked his ass again and Jungkook gasped and moaned a little again biting his lip. They got to Yoongis car and he unlocked it letting Jungkook down in the car. He got in and started to drive.

"Where are we going?"

"You will see when we get there" Jungkook groaned and Yoongi smirked. After a little while driving he pulled up to a restaurant and Jungkook gasped.


"Yea... this was my favorite place to go to when I needed alone time I love lamb skewers." Jungkook smiled and nodded his head.

"What are we waiting for? LETS GOOOO" Jungkook got out the care jumping up and down excitingly. Yoongi couldn't help but laugh at Jungkook acting like a little kid. He got out the car and walked in automatically being seated since everyone there knew Yoongi. Jungkook sat down and Yoongi sat in front of him, Jungkook couldn't help but stare at Yoongi, he really was hot, he couldn't take his eyes off of him. Yoongi chuckled looking at his menu

"Your staring babe" Jungkook blushed at the nickname and looked down saying a cute sorry before looking at his menu the waiter came up to them.

"Hello my name is Hyuna and I'll be your waitress tonight what can I get you for drinks?" She looked at Jungkook waiting for his answer

"Uhhh can I get an ice tea please?" She nodded and looked at Yoongi almost drooling and Jungkook noticed but Yoongi didn't thank god.

"And you sir?" She said in a seductive voice and Jungkook cringed.

"Yea can I get red wine?"

"May I see your ID?" Yoongi pulled out his ID and and handed it to her and she looked at it and smiled nodding "Min Yoongi, nice name"

"Thanks I guess..." she nodded.

"I'll go and get your drink I'll be right back" She got one last glance at Jungkook before heading to get their drinks and Jungkook pouting and a Yoongi noticed and chuckled.

"What's wrong?"

"She was fucking you with her eyes... I don't like it!"

"Wow already possessive?" Jungkooks eyes widened

"I-I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize... I like it, shows you care." Jungkook nodded and Hyuna came back this time the top 2 buttons were undone on her uniform and her skirt was higher up showing a little bit of her non existent ass. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"What will you guys have to eat?"

"Yes I'll have 8 lamb skewers please? What about you BaBe?" Jungkook smirked and Hyuna rolled her eyes and Yoongi smiled when Jungkook emphasized the word 'babe'

"I'll have the same thing thanks"

"Of course, I'll take your menus and get them out the way and I'll come back with your food" they handed her their menus and she winked at Yoongi before death glaring Jungkook walking away trying to shake her non existent ass. Jungkook rolled his eyes and Yoongi looked at Jungkook smirking putting his hands in each other putting them on the table.

"Your jealous aren't you?"

"SHE WAS PRACTICALLY ASKING TO BE FUCKED FUCKING SLUT!!!" Jungkook whisper yelled and Yoongi chuckled.

"Don't worry BaBe I'm all yours." Jungkook smirked and came up with an idea.

"Of course I am... and your mine!" Jungkook slipped his foot between Yoongis legs and pressed it slightly on Yoongis crotch and Yoongis eyes widen.

"You don't want to do that baby boy, I haven't gotten laid in 2 weeks I'm very sexually frustrated and don't start something you can't finish!" Jungkook just smirked and pressed a little harder and decided to shake his leg and Yoongi bit his lips and bawled his fists he was getting harder and harder each second finally Hyuna came back with their food and walked away once again trying to seduce Yoongi but Jungkook smirked knowing that Yoongi can only pay attention to Jungkook foot, Jungkook stopped for a little letting Yoongi eat after a little while they were both almost done and Jungkook pressed even harder shaking and moving his foot around Yoongi tried to concentrate but he couldn't. He kept death glaring Jungkook the rest of dinner, finally when they got done Hyuna came and gave their hard back to them and handed Yoongi a note and Jungkook snatched it before Yoongi can read it and he read it.

'Min Yoongi, this is my number in case you want to hook up your little boy toy doesn't have to know ;)'

Jungkook growled and crumbled up the note getting up and Yoongi followed and Jungook grabbed the Hyuna girl turning her around grabbing her by the collar of her shirt bringing her close to him.

"He is Mine!!! He doesn't want a desperate slutty ass cheap whore like you, stay the FUCK away from MY man!!! Or you won't like what happens SLUT!!!" He let go pushing her back while doing it grabbing Yoongi by the neck smashing their lips together, Yoongi smirked into the kiss and grabbed Jungkooks ass earning a small moan from the younger. Yoongi smirked and pulled away locking eyes with Jungkook not taking his eyes off of Jungkook before he speaks.

"Yup he's mine, he's all I need, and his ass, body, and personality is way better than your will ever be!!! And he's right the only slut I'll fuck is him! Cause he's mine!!!" Yoongi pulled Jungkook out the restaurant and drove home as fast as they could and they got home slamming Yoongis bedroom door closed and Yoongi slammed Jungkook on the wall earning a small gasp and moan smashing his lips to the younger's. "Are you sure you want to do this once we start there is no going back"

"Y-Yes please I've been waiting for 3 months to get fucked by you please don't stop now!" Yoongi smirked

"My pleasure"

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