10. Talk with Eomma

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Later that day Jungkook drove to the house and knocked on the door and Jimin opened the door.

"Oh hey Jungkook"

"Hey is Jin here?"

"Oh yea he's in here I'm getting ready to go meet my boyfriend Tony."

"Oh boyfriend?" Jimin chuckled

"I'm guessing you heard about me and Yoongi?" Jungkook nodded "yea no we aren't a thing we fucked around a few times but that's only when he was frustrated and no one else was free... then he got into drugs a few months ago so he just does that, or we throw a party for him and he gets laid even more" Jungkook nodded "oh yea come in haha... I'll be heading out, no one else is here they are working, well Yoongi is but he's sleeping right now so you don't have to worry about seeing him."

"Ight thanks"

"Oh here... Yoongi said your getting back into smoking so I got you this." Jimin handed a pack to Jungkook.

"Wow these are the ones I used to get how'd you know?" Jimin shrugged

"These Are Yoongis favorite, has more nicotine in them." Jungkook nodded

"Thanks again man."

"No need to thank me really... okay I need to go before I'm late... bye bro" (cringe)

"Ight bye man" Jimin left and Jungkook waked in. "Jiin???"

"Hey Kook I'm in the living room." Jungkook walked into the living room to see Jin putting some snacks down. "Hey sorry we were going to have a little movie night since it's Friday we usually do it... you should stay and hang with us."

"Yea maybe I will"

"Okay sit down and tell Eomma what happened" Jungkook laughed and sat down.

"Okay so... me and my mom have always been close, we done everything together she was my mom but also my best friend, she was my friend all the time till she had to be my mother so I got 2 in one, she taught me so many things, my dad was out a lot traveling mainly but he loved me and her he did everything to make sure we had everything we needed and wanted when I was 13 I got this boyfriend named Taemin, I loved him a lot, like a lot, we did everything together, I fell in love with him, he was my first everything, my first kiss, my first time, my first love, I told my mom she was so excited, my father on the other hand... he wasn't, he started spending more time out of the house when he was home he was drinking and smoking, me and Taemin dated for 2 years then my mom died... she died of cancer, after that everything seemed to go downhill, my dad would become abusive with me, but I had Taemin, he was always there for me, I kept playing the piano it was my safe place, well one day my dad got a lot more abusive that day and I have a scar on my stomachs and on my cheek from it, I went to Taemins because I really needed him... when I walked in I saw him cheating on me with some bitch named Lisa (sorry I love Lisa but she was the first one to come to my mind) i broke that day... He tried to come back saying it was a mistake... but I changed I stopped caring my dad would hit me, cut me, throw shit at me, I started to smoke, and self harm, and stopped playing the piano, I couldn't even look at it, one day I had enough of the abuse from my dad and I called my friend Yugyeom and he came to get me and my stuff and I moved out, got a job then an apartment, after that I found out it wasn't just Lisa he cheated on me with he fucked so many other people, i was furious, he moved away so I couldn't do anything about it but I started fucking around with people, I didn't care about anything, no ones feelings, emotions, relationships I really did not give 2 shits, I stopped smoking cigarettes but started fucking more people and smoking weed, I never fucked anyone more than once tho, I started to fail my classes so I'd give head here and there to the teachers they would raise my grades... and after 2 years I'm tired of it... so I decided to move, and here I am." Jin wiped his tears and hugged Jungkook who was in tears as well.

"I'm sorry that happened "

"Please don't be sorry, it's not your fault."

"I know but I feel bad.... did you say Taemin cheated with a girl named Lisa?"

"Yea why?" Jin sighed

"That's Yoongis ex gf... his story is similar to yours... but not the parents one, but they dated for longer than that... you know what I shouldn't be telling you this stuff.... Yoongi should" Jungkook chuckled

"He won't tell me"

"He will... what happened with you guys today?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...everything that happened between you guys from when he recorded the whole thing"

"Well after that we went to the bleachers and we talked about how I was a slut but not the reason why he asked me why and I asked him why he was a fuck boy and he said he wasn't going to tell me, then I asked why he did that for me and he told me bc he can be nice but if I keep asking or talking about it he will delete the video blah blah blah then I said I have music with him... then I asked where he was and he said fucking someone under the bleachers, then we talked about how many people we fucked, and how he doesn't date, then he told me that him and Jimin used to fuck around, then after you left I seen him playing the piano, and he was like 'you can come in you know staring is kinda creepy' and then we talked about the piano, and then he had me sit down next to him and he played it again, then he asked if I played and I told him I used to and he said I should try again... and I did... I played again.... oh my god I played a song I started to write after my mom died that I never finished but then I remembered Taemin, and my dad and all the sadness, and hurt I felt and I played it all... I cried... and then the teacher came in and talked to me and told me he hasn't cried like that in 2 years. And then when I went to leave I saw him looking at me and I kinda smiled and waved and he did the same back." Jin smiled and nodded.

"Yea... he doesn't do that with anyone"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing.. hey the guys are going to be here soon want to help me get the rest?"

"Yea sure... and I guess I'll stay"

"YAAAY" Jungkook chuckled

Little did they know that a certain someone was listening the whole time.

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