15. Dont know what it is

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Yoongi has been avoiding Jungkook for 2 days now, he won't lie it kinda hurt. His room was next to Yoongis so when Yoongi would bring someone home he would hear it. At first it didn't bother him much, but now it does and he can't think of why. All he knows is hearing Yoongi fucking with someone else he didn't like. Maybe it was his slutty side, maybe it was because he was jealous because Yoongi got laid and he didn't, he just didn't know what it was. Almost like now. He was sitting in his room on his phone and he started hearing moaning at first he rolled his eyes but he heard Yoongis voice saying

"Fuck your so good at this baby" and there it was a ping in Jungkooks chest. He didn't know how to feel he slammed his phone on the bed getting up slamming his bedroom door closed running to Jins room. He opened it and Jin looked up and could see something was wrong he held his arms out and Jungkook ran into them and started to cry.

"Awe my Kookie what happened?"

"I-i don't know!!!"

"Well start from the beginning" Jungkook sat up wiping his tears.

"Yoongi has been ignoring me for 2 days now"


"And I didn't think it would effect me but it has... a-and he has someone in his room a-and normally when he does it, it doesn't bother me but the last 2 days it has. A-and I don't know why" Jin nodded

"Maybe you just miss getting laid and miss someone you can relate to, have you tried to talk to your friends in Busan?" Jungkook nodded

"Yea... he's supposed to be here in a few weeks."

"Well there you go... cheer up butter cup, what about someone you can fuck?"

"Mmph I'm not sure I... I don't have anyone..."

"Well uuhhh Maybe you can try-"

"NO!!! I am not letting him stick his thing in my thing" Jin laughed

"Hey just a thought" Jungkook chuckled "I mean... he knows about the whole you know...yea"

"Maybe...if I get really sexually frustrated then maybe. But as of right now... no"

"Okay well it's getting late you have school tomorrow... goodnight"

"Goodnight Eomma thank you"

"Of course"

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