31. Flu

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the next morning Jungkook got up running to the bathroom dropping to his knees throwing up in the toilet. Yoongi ran in and sat with Jungkook rubbing his back.

"Are you okay love?" Jungkook shook his head.

"No... stomach.. and head hurts"

"Awe my baby... I'll be back okay?" Jungkook nodded and Yoongi got up walking out the bathroom texting Jin to bring some stuff up for him and walked back in the bathroom when Jin texted a 'kk' Jungkook flushed the toilet and Yoongi helped him up and helped him to the bed laying him down before there was a soft knock on the door and Jin opened it a little and peaked his head in.

"Hey can I come in?"

"Yea just shhh his head hurts" Jin nodded closing the door behind him setting saltines and a Gatorade down on the table giving Jungkook some medicine.

"Here baby take this it will help." Jungkook nodded and slowly sat up and took the medicine drinking Gatorade to wash it down and laid back on Yoongis thigh as Yoongi rubbed his back. "My poor baby."

"YoUr baby?"

"You know what I mean. Make sure he at least tries to eat those if he's still like this later tonight we will take him to the doctors." Yoongi nodded and Jin left.

Jungkook slowly fell back asleep and Yoongi sighed luckily it was Saturday so they didn't have school. Yoongi slid down and cuddled a whiny Jungkook in his arms.

"Stooop... you will get sick"

"I'm okay with that just shhh and go to sleep" Jungkook Laid his head on Yoongis chest and smiled when Yoongi kissed his forehead before falling asleep. Not long after Yoongi fell asleep.

Later that night Jungkook woke up having to throw up again Yoongi sighed getting up for the 12th time today.

"Okay Jungkook now we really have to go to the doctors."

"Nooo *gag* uuhhhh"

"Yup!!! I don't care what you say when your done throwing your brains out we are going to the doctors."

Yoongi got ready and picked Jungkook up automatically wrapping his legs around Yoongis waist burring his head in the crook of Yoongis neck. He put Jungkook in the backseat so he can lay down and drove the the hospital.

"Hello? Yes my boyfriend is in trouble he's really sick been throwing up all day"

"Of course right this way" (if only it really happens like that)

Yoongi followed the lady with Jungkook in his arms and laid him on the bed when they got into the room.

"A doctor will be with you shortly"


"Yes babe?" Jungkook blushed and looked Down.

"Earlier you said "your boyfriend is sick"

"Yeees and?"

"Uhh... never mind." Yoongi chuckled and picked Jungkooks chin up.

"Jungkook... would you like to be my Boyfriend." Jungkooks eyes lit up and nodded his head eagerly

"YES YES YES YES YEEEES!!!! I meeean... yea sure why not your chill." Yoongi laughed shaking his head and pulling Jungkook in for a kiss.

Magical time skip because I'm a lazy ass

"So the test results came in looks like you have the flu, it's going around its about that time, my daughter had it a few days ago take these 2 times a day when you wake up and before you go to bed you should be on bed rest the rest of the week, is there anyway you can go to school at home?"

"Uhh yea they have a website for it"

"Perfect, don't move around to much unless it's to throw up sleep as much as you can because the bacteria will fight against your body better that way."

"Okay is that all?"

"Yes it is, here is the prescription have a nice day"

"Thank you"

Then they went home and fucked

Haaaa jk Jungkook and Yoongi cuddled and slept the rest of the day.

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