25. What were into ~

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Buckle down this is one hell of a chapter... google may or may not give u the right definition but if it does then good if not then either wait to find out or just ask me!!!

they got home and Yoongi walked in the house before getting paper and pencils leaving Jungkook at the Yoongis door confused.

"Sit!" Jungkook walked in shutting the door sitting on the bed. "So we havnt been able to do this yet but we will write down what sexual stuff we are into"

"What?" Yoongi rolled his eyes sighing

"Kinks Jungkook... write your kinks"

"OH... OOOOHHHH" Yoongi laughed shaking his head

"Yeeeaaah... this is so we know what the other person is into obviously but also so we can try new things."

"Oooo otaaay!"

"Just saying I'm one kinky son of a bitch"

"It's okay so am I"

After Jungkook got done he sat there waiting what seemed like forever and Yoongi finally got done, he gave it to Yoongi

"Okay Jeon Jungkook lets see what type of kinky ass shit your into shall we?" Jungkook blushed and hit his face

"STOOOOOP" Jungkook bit his lip waiting for Yoongi to read it.

What Jungkooks into:

1. Hypoxyphilia
2. Sensory deprivation
3. Ablutophilia
4. Small places.
5. Algolagnia/algalagnia
6. Tantalolagnia
7. Orgasm denial
8. asthenolagina
9. Mastigophilia
10. Queening
11. Dirty talk
12. Triolism
13. Zelophilia

Jungkook on the other hand... he thought he was going to die right then and there reading what Yoongi was into. Especially the first one on there

What Yoongis into

1. Bdsm/rough
2. Acoustocophilia
3. Agrexophilia
4. Katoptronophilia
5. Agoraphilia
6. Dacryphilia
7. Haematomania/hematolagina
8. Psychrocism
9. Odaxelagnia
10. Release denile
11. 24/7
12. Triolism
13. Pyrophilia
14. Top space
15. Massage
16. Voyeurism

Yoongi was pretty surprised at how kinky Jungkook was but definitely not as Kinky as Yoongi was.

"Uhh... any questions?" Yoongi squinted his res at the paper and thought for a little.

"Uhhh yes... 10 and 13."

"Uhhh Queening? Umm... haha ummm that's for another time I don't really know how to say it." Yoongi nodded his head in understanding. "And 13 jealousy... I love when my partner gets jealous." Yoongi smirked and nodded.

"Okay any questions?"

"YES!!! 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, and 16."

"Got it so everything?" Jungkook looked down playing with his fingers


"Don't apologize, you probably know them but don't know the big words. Okay 2. Acoustocophilia means aroused by sounds, other words I like my partner to be vocal and you have a nice voice so it works." Jungkook blushed even more "3. Agrexophilia means excitement knowing that other people know about my sexual activity, pretty much when we have sex and people can hear it happening it turns me on knowing people know your mine"

"Hmmm sounds like something I will like" Yoongi smirked.

"Oh I bet you would... Okay next 4. Katoptronophilia oh this is easy, mirrors"


"Haha pretty much I like looking in the mirror when fucking someone, especially since my favorite position is doggy so being able to see their face turns me on more"

"Uhhh... I don't really know... about that one."

"Well we will try it." Jungkook nodded "6. Dacryphilia oh uhhh... I like seeing my partner cry BUT in a sexual pleasurable way goes along with BDSM. 7. Haematomania/hematolagina same thing with BDSM blood I like seeing my partner with blood on them but in a sexual way, if you don't want to we don't have to try tha-"

"NO!! I want to try that... uhhh with you anyway but... another time...." Yoongi nodded and continued

"8. Psychrocism oh... uhhhh it's like... uhhh I'll just show you that another time. 9. Odaxelagnia ummm... all I can really say is biting... biting and being bitten."

"OH I LIKE THAT!" Yoongi chuckled

"Yea I bet you do" Jungkooks face flushed "11. 24/7 that means I'm your dom outside of the bedroom as well, pretty much I'm always in control and your always my sub and it often goes into the sex in public and people knowing your mine which goes well with your jealousy one."

"Oh... I really like that one!!!"

"Yea I thought you would... 13. Pyrophilia... uhhh fire... that's all I can really say it goes with BDSM, not necessarily fire but can also use candle wax." It sent shills down Jungkooks body but in a good way? "14. Top space oh that's easy goes along with the 24/7 kinda, i get into this dominance space know as top space you know what subspace is?"

"Yea I've heard of it but never happened to me."

"Right well it's the opposite, I get into this dominant headspace where all I can thing of is making sure your pleasured but sometimes it can get out of hand and I'll go to rough... point being we need a safe word but after this. Okay and 16. Voyeurism oh that's easy it's simply I like watching other people have sex... it goes with Triolism which you like too so it will be perfect for us."

"Wait so pretty much we can have a 3sum?"

"Wow okay that was straight to the point maybe eventually but you are mine and I don't want anyone to take you away, having someone else put their dick in you excites but scares me"

"Yoongi I belong to you, and thinking of you fucking someone else excites but scares me"

"Hmmm we will figure this out later we need a trusting person"

"Or we can have another couple with us and it can be a 4sum."

"Wow Jungkook you really want this?"

"Uhhh... I don't really know."

"Hmm how about... we try some of these?"

"Yees please I want to try Psychrocism" Yoongi smirked

"Well how about this, we do Sensory deprivation, and then I'll show you what Psychrocism is it will be even better if you can't see or touch me it hightens your other senses."

"Yes please daddy!!!"

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