41. Poly?

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"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WA-... Jimin? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"T-Tony... he... went back to America..." Yoongis face softened.

"Why? What happened?"

"N-nothing he just... he had to go back... w-we broke up." Jimin looked at the bed and saw Jungkook on the bed covered in dry blood. "A-am interrupting something?" Jungkook got up from the bed or at least tried to .

"No you didn't" Jungkook walked (or limped) and Yoongi smirked. Once Jungkook got to Jimin and brought him in for a hug and Jimin can't hug back for obvious reasons. Yoongi stood there confused and Jungkook pulled away. "Do you want to sleep with us?" Yoongis eyes widened in shock


"Oh shut it y'all have fucked before it's nothing new" Jungook grabbed Jimins arm and Yoongi closed the door still confused. Jimin got in the middle and cuddled up to Jungkook while Yoongi stood next to the bed pouting and Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Get in the bed you big baby" Yoongi got in the bed and turned to face Jimins back and Jungkooks face (since Jungkook can't lay on his back right now.) and Jungkook gave 'the look' to Yoongi telling him it's okay for him to cuddle Jimin too and Yoongi wrapped his arm around Jimin and Jungkook and Jungkook smiled. "You know... I like this... maybe... we can make this work"

"What do you mean?" Jimin and Yoongi asked at the same time.

"This... us... together... you know"

"Like.. a polygamist relationship? All 3 of us?" Jungkook looks down.

"I mean... if y'all want... uhhh I know that Jimin has liked me since he saw me at the party, I'm not gonna lie I kinda liked him too but then I met you and it was like... yea... but now it's just like I don't kn-"

"NO... wait no didn't mean it as a no like that I just mean uhhh... what do you think Jimin?" Jimin sat up kinda shocked.

"I uhhh... I mean... I guess we could try it... uh I mean.. if you want to"

"Uhhh okay... so.. this is gonna happen" Jungkook got excited and leaned over kissing Yoongi for avot 5 seconds then sat back up to see a pouting Jimin and she chuckled before kissing Jimin.

'Huh... maybe I could deal with this' Yoongi thought before they all lied back down cuddling the falling asleep.

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