49. Truth or dare Pt 2 ~

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After Yoongi sat down he smirked and looked at Taehyung

"Taehyung truth or dare?"


"I dare you to give Hoseok a blowjob but don't let him cum" Hoseok whines and Taehyung shrugged getting up. "Oh... and uh... no hands" Taehyung rolled his eyes and unbuttoned and zipped Hoseoks pants without using his hands leaving almost everyone shocked. He looked into Hoseoks eyes as he nibble at the seem of Hoseoks boxers before biting them and pulling them down without breaking eye contact. Hoseok was so into submission at this point Taehyung could use him like a doll. Taehyung closed his eyes licking and sucking the inside of Hoseoks thigh earning a low moan come from the older. He got higher leaving marks till he got to the base. He looked up at Hoseok who was a panting mess before winking and sticking out his tongue licking from the base to the tip swirling his tongue around Hoseoks tip causing him to do nothing but moan.

"M-Master" Taehyung finally put the tip in his mouth and decided to continue teasing him digging his tongue into Hoseoks slit making him moan out even more but he couldn't move it was to pleasurable he was to into submission to care or do anything. Taehyung got done teasing the older and took him full causing Hoseok to throw his head back and moan out. Taehyung kept bobbing his head sometimes going to tease the slit while playing with Hoseoks balls (cringe) soon he felt Hoseok twitch but he didn't say anything instead Taehyung got up and glaired at Hoseok shaking his head and leaned in and whispered in his ear and Hoseoks face got shook with a hint of scared in it.

"Okay Jin Hyung truth or dare"


"Okay I dare you to put a blindfold on we will kiss you and you have to guess who's it is, you get it right you get a reward if not you get punished. By Namjoon in bed later and he has to record it rather you get them right or not"

"You kinky bitch you just want to watch us fuck" Taehyung shrugged and Jin signed putting a blind fold on. The first person walked up to him and gave him a quick peck. "OH COME ON I COULDN'T TELL" the person rolled his eyes and attached his lips to Jins kissing him. And backed away after a minuet. "That was Yoongi"

"Why do you say that?"

"That wasn't my dare, but because I know Yoongi."

"Hmm... correct." The next person walked up to him and kissed him lips moving together nicely. After a minuet he pulled away and Jin thought for a second




"It was Jungkook" Jin pouted and the next person walked up to him grabbing the back of his head smashing his lips to Jins. After a minuet he pulled away Jin rolled his eyes behind the blindfold "it was Taehyung you kinky mother fucker. Taehyung smirked

"Correct." The next person walked up and kissed him after a minuet he pulled away.

"That one was Hoseok" Taehyung pouted

"Correct... this isn't as fun as I thought"

"Shut the fuck up." Jimin and Jungkook giggled. Next person walked up and grabbed Jins neck bringing their lips together and Jin moaned into the kiss. After a minuet he pulled away and Jin was kinda upset. "That was Jimin I know because of his plump lips" Jimin giggled and walked away. Next person walked up and kissed Jin and Jin automatically pulled away. "Taehyung get the fuck away"


"Because I tasted your lips before" Tae pouted and the next person walked up pulling Jins hair back causing him to gasp automatically slipping his tongue in Jins mouth dominating the kiss Jin was a moaning and panting mess after a minuet he pulled away and everyone was in shock and Jin blushed while the person smirked and wiped the saliva off his face before sitting down. "That was Namjoon."

"Uh... yea but you still missed one"

"Oh shut up." Jin took the blindfold off and smirked at Hoseok. "Hoseok dare or dare"


"You heard me "

"I don't have a choice" Jin clapped

"Good I dare you to give Jungkook a lap dance"

"WHA- okay" Hoseok got up and walked over to Jungkook and started to dance (not giving description on this just imagine it lmao) after he was done Jungkook was as hard as a rock from the teasing Yoongi did, then the kissing. "Hmmm okay... Jungkook... truth or dare?"

"Uhhh dare" Hoseok looked at Jin and smirked and Jin nodded

"I dare you to.... call Namjoon daddy the rest of the game"

"WHAT" Jungkook and Yoongi screamed

"You have to it's a dare" Yoongi growled

"Uhhh okay. Nam- I mean daddy.. truth or dare"

"Truth.... baby boy" Jungkook blushed and Yoongi let out a low growl that only Jungkook and Jimin could hear

"Do you like being called daddy?"

"Yes I do baby boy thank you for asking" Jungkook blushed and nodded his head. "What was that baby boy?"

"O-okay Daddy" Yoongi growled even louder

"ENOUGH NAMJOON ASK OR FUCKING DARE SOMEONE SOMETHING" Jungkook flinched falling lower into submission Namjoon just smirked.

"Jimin truth or dare?"


"Okay you have been with Jungkook and Yoongi enough... so spill the tea... how many times have they fucked?"

"A lot... maybe.... more than 50 times?"

"Oh god y'all are fucking nasty, Y'all have only been fucking for 3 months do y'all fuck everyday?"


"God damn"

"Okay Taehyung dare or dare?"


"Since your more dominant I want you to do stuff to Jungkook and Since Hobi Hyung is more submissive than Jungkook I want Jungkook to do stuff to him"

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