42. What if i lose you

978 38 28

Found out some of my readers either don't like Yoonmin, Jikook, Yoonminkook, or just don't like them in this book. I am sorry about. If u like them comment "I like" or if u don't comment "I don't" but before that just know I already made 5 other chapters with them together.

Jungkook woke up to Jimin in his arms and Yoongi Turned the other way and Jungkook smiled and looked at Jimin who stirred in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes and Jungkook looked into Jimins dark brown orbs that had a shine to them. Him and Jimin slowly leaned in before connecting their lips not caring about morning breath. The kiss was sweet and passionate.

"Wow great way to wake up." They pulled apart to see Yoongi smirked at them and Jimin blushed and hid his face in Jungkooks chest while Jungkook blushed and his his face in Jimins hair. "Okay come on baby we need to clean your back should probably take a shower too." Jungkook nodded and got up and Jimin went to his room to get ready for school. When they were done they met Jimin downstairs and Yoongi kissed Jimins forehead and Jungkook grabbed Jimins chin and brought it up and kissed his lips and they pulled away when they heard someone clear their throat and they turned to see everyone else's faces shocked and Jin had his arms crossed

"Someone want to explain to me what's going on?"

"Uhhh... yea we are dating now"

"Wait you and Jimin? What about Yoongi"

"No like... all 3 of us"

"Wait so let me get this straight... you and Tony broke up than you started to date Jungkook and Yoongi?"

"IT WAS HIS IDEA" Jimin pointed and Jungkook and Yoongi chuckled


"Uhhh? What?"


"Welp as long as y'all are happy I guess."

"Yea well me and Jungkook aren't going to school today... some... reasons."

"Yea Jungkooks back is all Fucked up."

"How did you-"

"You don't have shirt on"

"Oh..." Jin laughed

"Yea.. anyway we should head out before we are late... good luck don't burn down the house and please... don't break Jungkook more than he already is... don't forget he is pregnant" Yoongis eyes widened and looked at Jungkook

"FUCK did what we do hurt the baby? Fuck I'm such a horrible person!!! Oh my god I think I killed my ba-"

"YOONGI calm down the baby is fine, you didn't hurt my stomach your fine"

"WAIT!!! JUNGKOOKS PREGNANT?!" Everyone turned to Jimin and realized he was the only one who didn't know

"Uhhh... yea... you were with Tony that day at school... yea he's pregnant"

"But.. I'm the submissive out of all of us...how is that gonna work?" Jungkook laughed

"But I'm the most submissive"


"Yes Yoongi?"

"Out of both of you Jimin is DEFINITELY the most submissive trust me... id know" Jungkook didn't know wether to feel jealous and upset or....yea he's jealous and kinda upset. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." Yoongi sighed

"Guys go to school or you will be late. Jungkook hop on my back" Jungkook shook his head and went upstairs and Yoongi sighed.

"You know... this 3 way may not work"

"Yea... I know bye guys"

"Bye Yoongi" they left and Yoongi went upstairs.

"Baby?" He went into Jungkooks room and closed the door. Going over to the bed and laid down with Jungkook. "Baby talk to me" Jungkook sighed

"I thought I was your baby boy"

"You are my baby boy"

"But... you said"

"I only said that because of Jimins ass and his baby face, I havnt fucked him since he started working out losing the weight he has and him and Tony started to date, honestly I'm not sure who is the most submissive out of you guys, just from last night I think you are. Jimin doesn't really like that kind of stuff. Are you sure this 3 way relationship will work?"

"I mean... I hope so"

"Jungkook all Jimin was to me was a friends with benefits we never grew feelings for each other like you and him did"


"Baby look at me" Jungkook lifted his head up and looked at Yoongi. "You know I don't like to share what's mine."

"I know..." Yoongi sighed

"What if I lose you to him?"

"You wont"

"How do you know?"

"Because Tony will come back"

"And what if he doesn't..."

"I want you to be the one I marry, I want you to be the one I raise my baby with, I want you to be the one I grow old and lonely with.... your the one I want to love forever, Yoongi, if you liked someone else that isn't me, I'd feel the same way you do"

"And even if I liked someone else... Ill feel the same way you do"

"See... we aren't so different Yoongi" Yoongi sighed

"I guess... we can make this work out until Tony comes back"


"Yes love its fine"


"Yes babe?"

"I know we only said this when the whole Lisa and Taemin situation happened....but... I love you... like... a lot" Yoongis eyes teared up Yea they have said 'love you' but 'love you' and 'I love you' are 2 totally different thing, the only time they said 'I love you' was the day Maddie and the guys fought Lisa and Taemin so hearing this for the first time in this kind of situation really meant a lot to him.

"I-I love you too Jungkook"

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