36. Talk

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"OW OW OW OW OOOOOWWW" she let go when they got to the kitchen and Yoongi rubbed his ear.

"What the fuck Yoongi?"


"Tell me the real fucking reason your doing this."

"I AM!!!"

"No your not I know you Min Yoongi you better fucking tell me" Yoongi sighed giving up.

"It was Lisa, she threatened that if I didn't leave him... her and Taemin will hurt him and the baby, I can't let them hurt him or the baby, I love him so fucking much. Maddie please... I have to do this." Maddie shook her head

"No you don't... go up there and fix what you done, Ill take care of everything else."

"What are you going to do?"

"Oh Yoongi, I think you already know what I'm going to do." Yoongi smirked and hugged Maddie

"Thank you sooo much noona"

"Of course Yoongi... and uhhhh *punch*"


"That's for finally calling me noona"


"Exactly I love hitting you"

"Yea hitting on me" Yoongi smirked and Maddie rolled her eyes.

"As if ya nasty. Now goooo" Yoongi ran up stairs while Maddie walked into the living room. "Who wants to go kick some ass???" Everyone looked at each other then smirked.

"Hell yea!!!!"

(10) Not So Different (Yoonkookmin)Where stories live. Discover now