48. truth or dare Pt. 1 ~

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Yoongi groaned and pulled away from Jimin causing him to whine and Jimin doing the same to Jungkook causing Jungkook to whine too. They all got dressed and they went downstairs and Yoongi death glared everyone as Jimin and Jungkook pouted.

"Oh grow up you will get your fuck fest" Taehyung smirked at Jin and Jin smirked back but no one caught on.

"SO" Jin clapped "lets get started. Hoseok truth or dare"

"Truth" Jin rolled his eyes  m

"LaMe... hmmm when did you start to like Taehyung" Hoseok blushed and looked down.

"Uhh... 4 years ago..." he was playing with his hands and Taehyungs eyes widened

"Wait really?"


"Awww Baby"

"O-Okay... Namjoon truth or dare?"

"Dare" Hoseok looked at Taehyung and Jin and they smirked and nodded and Namjoon nodded

"I-I dare you to call Jungkook baby boy the r-rest of the game"

"WHAT" Jimin Yoongi and Jungkook said at the same time.


"Baby boy truth or dare?" Jungkook blushed


"Why did you let Jimin join you guys in your relationship?"

"I uhhh... I kinda liked Jimin Hyung since the party, but then I realized I like Yoongi Hyung more, I-I knew Jimin Hyung likes me But was dating Tony... and when they broke up... I Uh... just thought why not..."

"Hmmm interesting your turn... baby boy" they could tell Yoongi was NOT enjoying this but what could he do it was Namjoons dare.

"Jimin Hyung truth or dare"


"Do you still like/love Tony?" He smirked and Jimin looked down.

"Y-Yes... he was the first person I ever fallen in love with..."


"Jin Hyung Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to.... make out with Namjoon Hyung for 3 minuets" Jin shrugged getting up straddling Namjoon grabbing his face making out with him. After the timer went off Jin got up and was blushing like crazy. "Damn even after dating for years he still gets embarrassed aww"

"Shut it shortie"


"But your the shortest out of all of us" (fun fact Jimin grew and now Yoongi is the shortest)


"Anyway Yoongi truth or dare?"


"I dare you to get Jungkook hard but you can't touch his dick or thighs" 

"How the fuck can he-"

"Oh I can do it" Yoongi smirked and walked over to Jungkook

"Oh and if you use words you have to say them out loud" Yoongi smirked and Jungkook automatically got embarrassed.

"Can I use my hands for something else?" Jin was confused

"You know what since I am curious yes, just no thighs and dick" Yoongi smirked and Jungkook blushed and put his head down

"Oh baby... are you getting shy now? But just a few hours ago you wanted me to make you scream my name remember that? How you came up to me so desperately and said "Okay then WHEN we go home we should celebrate me... you... and Jimin we havnt had a fun time in 4 days now" do you remember that?"


"Yes baby?" Jungkook blushed more and Yoongi continued to speak. "What did you want huh can't even say anything cats got your tongue now? I bet you imagined Jimin prepping your pretty little ass for me then have you watch yourself in the mirror as I fuck myself deep inside of you diving you insane have you scream my name can't even take your eyes off of the mirror even if you wanted to you just couldn't... making you tell me you only belong to me, how you are a good slut for daddy, do what daddy says when daddy says or you get punished." Yoongi wrapped his hand around Jungkooks throat making him gasp cuttin off his air supply and Yoongi smirked "But you will enjoy being punished won't you? Such a cock slut for me baby, I bet your getting hard as fuck listening to me talk dirty to you infront Of everyone else, I mean that is one of your kinks right? Being humiliated/embarrassed, and dirty talk, I bet your dripping wet right now, tell me baby..." Yoongi leaned in to whisper but loud enough for everyone else to hear "how hard are you from me just talking like this and my hands wrapped around your throat to where you can't even really breath?" He growled the last part and made Jungkook whimper and let out a broken moan from not being able to breath and Yoongi pulled away and smirked as Jungkook gasped for air. Yoongi could tell Jungkook went into Submissive mode. He looked at everyone and noticed that Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung had to hide their boners and Yoongi smirked more.

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