19. Scared

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He sighed and walked to the bed and sat down Jungkook looked up eyes widening and automatically backed away almost falling off the bed but Yoongi caught him and brought him into a hug surprising the younger. And Jungkook wrapped his arms around Yoongis body and started to cry again. Yoongi hugged him tighter kissing the top of his head, holding him as if he doesn't want to let him go.

"Please stop crying" Yoongis voice was soft and Jungkook slowly stopped crying and Yoongi went to pull away but Jungkook held tighter. "Jungkook look at me with please" Jungkook let go of Yoongi wiping his nose again. Yoongi grabbed his face in his hands and whipped his tears then sighed. "Jungkook the person I was talking about was you, I thought you and that Yugum  guy was your boyfriend, honestly I don't know what I feel about you, not talking to you for as long as I did it hurt me, I tried so many times to get you out of my head sleeping with people, drinking, smoking, staying away from the house everything but I always thought of you, I'm so scared to feel these thing towards you because I've been hurt by the one I loved I don't want to go through that again." Jungkook sniffled

"Uhhh it's Yugyeom and I-I'm scared to, I havnt felt these things for 2 years I honestly don't want to get hurt, your a fuck boy Yoongi, you hurt people on a daily"

" okay and you were a slut and hurt people on the daily" Jungkook chuckled

"Yea that's true, but how do I know that you won't hurt me?"

"How do I know that you won't hurt me?"

"I've been hurt before and I moved to change, I moved to change i want something serious to where I won't get hurt"

"If I could move I would but that means moving away without you and now that I think about it that it sounds weird. But I don't know what to do about these feelings I'm afraid I'll do something and fuck up... whatever we will have" Jungkook smiled

"Yoongi Hyung you cant mess anything up, Yea you are a fuckboy but we both been through the same thing you worse than me, and we will say some shit that will get us to fight, honestly I'm scared as fuck about this... I don't know how it will end... but we can never know unless... we try?"

"Yea And you were a slut" Jungkook giggled and hit Yoongi lightly

"Is that the only thing you heard?"

"Yuuup... just kidding, look I get what your saying I'm terrified about all of this, to be honest Ive been fucking people for 2 straight years between every day to every other day multiple people at that, if this goes the way we think it will I'll be sexually frustrated. I don't want you to be the one who deals with it because I want to wait till you want to"

"Yoongi you don't have to do that, if you want to fuck with other people we don't have to do this now"

"Are you kidding me? If I do that it will hurt you, and me... not only that but sex has gotten boring to me and it's weird that the last person I had sex with I almost said your name and since then I couldn't have sex with anyone, that was a week ago almost 2." Yoongi looked down rubbing the back of his neck and Yoongi was surprised.

"Wait... really?"

"Haha... yea..."

"Oh that's classic"


"Haha okay fine fine."

"Jeon Jungkook would you like to go on a date with me?" Jungkook was shocked but he quickly smiled and yes a small yes and Yoongi smiled before grabbing Jungkooks face kissing him but quickly pulled away looking down "uhhh... sorry" Jungkook snapped back into reality and smiled lifting Yoongis head pressing their lips together. Both the boys smiled into the kiss before Taehyung slammed the door open.


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