53. Gender

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Sorry for making you guys wait 3 days I was busy over the weekend.

after school Jungkook and Yoongi were cuddling till they heard a knock on the door.  "Who is it"

"It's Jimin"

"Come in" Jimin opened the door and slowly walked in looking down. "What's wrong Chim?"

"Uhhh... So Tony is back....." Jungkook looked up.



"And you still love him"


"Your going back to him?"

"........ yes" Yoongi nodded and looked at Jungkook.

"Well... I don't really know what to say... Jungkook? Do you have anything to say?"

"I uhhh... it was fun while it lasted?" Jimin looked up and nodded before saying a quiet goodbye and leaving the room. When the door shut Jungkook looked at Yoongi with doe eyes and Yoongi put his arms out Jungkook fell into them and started to cry and Yoongi rubbed his head since he could rub his back for obvious reasons. "I-I-i"

"I know baby... it's going to be okay."


"Yes baby?"

"I-I... I fell in love with him Yoongi."

"I know baby... I'm sorry"

"It's fine"

"Not really but it will be"

"I hope so"

"I do too"

Weeks went by Jungkook has been depressed, when he would look at Tony and Jimin he would start to cry, and Jimin would look at him but he would hide his face in Yoongis chest and Yoongi would glair at Jimin and  would take him upstairs. School ended 2 weeks ago He was now 5 months pregnant and they get to find out the gender today.

"So are you ready to find out the gender?"

"Yes please"

"Okay lift up your shirt so I can do an ultrasound" Jungkook lifted up his shirt and a Yoongi held his hand Jungkook looked at Yoongi and smiled. "Ready to see the gender?"


"Congratulations..... your having a baby


Jungkook smiled like an idiot and started to cry and looked at Yoongi who was shocked but so happy.

"Yoongi... were having a baby girl..." Yoongi smiled and put his other hand on Jungkooks stomach

"My princess... my beautiful baby girl" He she's a few tears and smiled. The doctor gave them the ultrasounds and they went home and sat everyone in the living room. Jungkook and Yoongi refused to look Jimin and Tony. "So we found out what the gender is..... we are having a baby girl" Jin and Jhope screamed and Jimin smiled and Tony clapped and went to kiss Jimin but Jimin turned his head and Tony kissed his cheek but Tony didn't think much of it. "Also uhh... we are moving to Jungkooks old apartment"

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted Jimin louder than everyone

"We have our personal reasons for it." Yoongi kind of looked at Jimin threw his eye lashes and everyone understood. "Well we have to go pack... see you guys later" Yoongi helped Jungkook upstairs and Jungkook feel asleep on the bed while Yoongi stayed to pack everything.


"Tony... can I talk to you?"

"Sure baby what's up?"

"I- I don't think this will work out..."

"What do you mean?"

"I-.... I think we should break up"

"Wait what?"

"I- I fell in love with Jungkook and Yoongi Hyung"

"Whatever I don't care only dating you for your ass anyway... speaking of do you want to fuck before you leave me?"

"Ew no...your dick is small anyway get the fuck out" Tony shrugged and called someone

"Hey baby I'm on my way over he broke up with me" Jimin scuffed and walked away. He went upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"I-it's Jimin" Yoongi froze and felt his heart crack a little bit.

"What do you want"

"Can I come I ?"

"Sure just be quiet Jungkook is asleep" Jimin opened the door and sat in the edge of the bed. "Now what do you want"

"I broke up with Tony"

"Okay and?"

"And... Yoongi please look at me"

"Why should I? You hurt us.... Jungkook, you hurt Jungkook did you know the last few weeks he was depressed we hoped you came back to us, we hoped it was all a joke or a dream"


"NO!!! Don't interrupt me. Did you even think of how we felt?" Jimin got up and started to walk towards Yoongi but Yoongi kept ranting. "Jungkook already liked you, during the month we both fell in love with you but then you just left like it was nothing! We actually thought you might have loved us to but I guess no-" Jimin shut Yoongi up by kissing Him and He was surprised but didn't hesitate to kiss back. Yoongi switched their positions and slammed him on the wall causing him to gasp making it easy for Yoongi to slip his tongue in battling for dominance obviously Yoongi winning. Jimin pulled away

"What.... about... Jungkook"

"He's asleep and if he wakes up he will be confused but will join us his hormones are crazy" Jimin nodded before Yoongi smashes their lips together again and brought his hands down and squeezed Jimins ass causing him to moan.

"Daddy can I join" they pulled away to see Jungkook looking up at them with big doe eyes and he just couldn't say no. He smiled and opened his arms and Jungkook smiled showing his bunny teeth hurrying up to go over to them but careful for his stomach.

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