8. Not my business

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"So what class do you have next?"

"Uhhh... music"

"Cool you have it with me" Jungkook nodded

"Yea I know, we talked about who I have classes with this morning... speaking of where were you?"

"Fucking someone under the bleachers" Jungkook scoffed and rolled his eyes "what? You asked"

"No it's just.... never mind"

"What? It's just that you used to do that?" Jungkook nodded. "How many people have you fucked?" Jungkooks eyes widened

"Uhhh.... I'm not sure... I never fucked with people more than once, I mean I've given people head and ate them out more than once... but that was just teachers... what about you?"

"I don't even know... but I fuck with some people more than once"

"Every fuck someone from your friends group?"

"Yup... I fucked Jimin a few times" Jungkooks eyes widened. "Haha what?"

"Do you ever even date?"

".... no!"


"Why so many questions huh? Stop asking those kind of questions!" Jungkook nodded and they entered the school and all eyes were on them and once again.

'Wow i wonder if they just got done fucking?'

'Poor new guy, hope he knows Yoongi just uses people'

'Hey it's not Yoongis fault after him and.... her happened' Jungkooks eyes frowned and he looked at Yoongi who seemed unbothered about everything they were saying.

"Don't look at me like that I'm not saying shit."

"I-I wasn't going to ask" Yoongi stopped and looked at Jungkook confused.


"Y-Yea... uhhh it's none of my business if you want to tell me I will, won't make you do something you don't want to do" Yoongi nodded then smirked

"Oh hey if you ever need to get fucked just ask" Jungkook rolled his eyes

"Yea... not gonna happen" Yoongi shrugged

"Eh well I'm just saying if you do then I'm here" Jungkook scoffed.

"I'd fuck literally ANYONE else but you." Yoongi shrugged and Jin jumped in.

"HEY JUNGKOOKIE!!!..... Yoongi..."

"Jin..." Yoongi rolled his eyes and went into the music room leaving Jin and Jungkook.

"I thought we said don't go near him it's not good for you."

"Okay seriously can people stop saying that!!!! I get that y'all are trying to protect me but please... let me do my own thing... if it wasn't for Yoongi everyone would know why I'm really here!" Jins eyes widened in shock.

"Wait seriously?"

"Yea the dance teacher knows why I'm here and she tried to blackmail me but Yoongi it it recorded."

"No no no not that... like.... he actually helped you?"

"Uhhhh... yea?"



"He just... Yoongi doesn't care about anyone but well Yoongi... not since.... never mind"

"Not since when Jin?"

"I can't say it's not my business to tell... when he's ready to tell you he will... or he won't who knows."

"Well even if he doesn't it's not my business, and even then I'm pretty sure if I'm right that the reason he's like this is because of the same reason I was like that... but I could be wrong"

"Well why were you like that?" Jungkook sighed...

"Look I have to go... but I'll come by the house and tell you... I'm surprised Jackson hasn't told y'all" Jin shook his head.

"He never gave an explanation he just said you went through stuff and that's why oh are the way you are... or were." Jungkook nodded

"Yea... it's kinda a long story... I'll tell you later." Jin nodded and left and Jungkook walked into the room.

(10) Not So Different (Yoonkookmin)Where stories live. Discover now