24. quick ~

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Yoongi grabbed his hand and they stormed out the cafeteria and Yoongi found an empty classroom and opened it slamming Jungkook on the now closed and locked door crashing their lips together Jungkook moaned in the kiss and Yoongi gripped his hips tighter be lifted him up Jungkook wrapped his legs around Yoongis waist and Yoongi brought him to the teachers desk and placed him down removing his shirt and Jungkook doing the same before smashing their lips back together.

"Now now baby we need to be quick or we will be late for class so pull down your stuff and bend over" Jungkook hopped off the desk doing what Yoongi told him to and Yoongi taking his stuff off. Yoongi grabbed the lube out his book bag and right now Jungkook didn't wanted to question why he had lube all he wanted was Yoongis dick inside him. He wiggled his ass and whined impatiently and Yoongi smirked slapping Jungkooks ass. "Be patient baby" Yoongi rubbed lube on his memeber before lining up with Jungkooks entrance and slowly pushed in and Jungkook hissed and grabbed the corners of the desk. When Yoongi bottomed out he stayed waiting for Jungkook to say he can move.

"P-please move" Yoongi slid out before ramming back in hard and reap. "FFFFUUUUUCK AAAAH"

"Fuck baby so tight... I've thought about fucking you over a desk like this so many times!!!" Yoongi slapped Jungkooks ass watching it jiggle more when he slapped it, he couldn't take his eyes off Jungkooks ass, it was so big and watching his dick disappear in it was truly a sight.


"Fuck baby so am I" Yoongi continued to thrust into Jungook at a fast pace but not fast enough that he won't be able to walk, definitely limp but still walk. "Fuck baby cum for me" Yoongis voice was deep and huskey driving Jungkook over the edge and he came on himself and the desk clenching around Yoongis dick painfully hard causing Yoongi to moan out and release deep inside of Jungkook. He pulled out and Jungkook almost collapsed on the table but luckily Yoongi caught him and laid him on the table before getting some tissues and cleaning everything up. He leaned down and pecked Jungkooks lips and Jungkook smiled.

"Do you want to just go home?"

"As much as I'd love to we have to stay at school" Jungkook huffed and got an idea.

"We can have a round 2" Yoongi thought about It, he really did

"Babe... we have to stay" Jungkook pouted but then smirked.

"But daddy, don't you want to pound in my ass so hard I can't walk for days?" Jungkook reaches down and cupped Yoongis dick and looked into Yoongis eyes innocently. "Please daddy... I want you so bad... make me forget my name!" And with that Yoongi growled and yanked Jungkook off the table grabbing his hand rubbing out the room to his car ignoring the calls of their names and headed home.

(10) Not So Different (Yoonkookmin)Where stories live. Discover now