2. moving

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"do you have everything?"  

"Yup, I'm ready to go."

"Gonna miss you"

"of course you will... you never got to tap this ass" Yugyeom made a disgusted face. 

"id rather not...that shit is probably looser than my grandmother." 

"Uhhhh... ew? how the fu- you know what I don't even want to know. anyway, I might want to head out now so I have enough time to sleep before starting school tomorrow." Jungkook hugged Mark, Jackson, and BamBam, and Yugyeom well he suffocated him in a hug fake crying. "Okay, you can you let me go now?" 

"NOOOOOO" *cries harder* Jungkook rolled his eyes and smacked the back of Yugyeoms head and he backed up and rubbed his head pouting. 

"That's what you get bitch." 


"RIIIIGHT your a pussy ass bitch." 

"well, I am what I eat." 

"Wait you eat ass?" 

"what no- You mother fucker." Jungkook laughed and hopped in his car. 

"welp see you guys soon."

"BYYEEE HAVE FUN GETTING FUCKED BY NEW PEOPLE" Jungkook rolled his eyes and flicked Yugyeom off and Yugyeom laughed and waved. "LOVE YOU TOO FUCKER/FUCKEE" 

Jungkook arrived at his apartment. He was 15 he left his home, not really his choice, a lot of stuff happened and he couldn't take it anymore. Not after his Mom died and his and his BF broke up and everything got worse, so he just gave up and moved out. 

now here he was moving again but to a different town. Going to a different school, changing the type of person he used to be...well kind of the only part that's really changing is him not being a slut anymore. 

he pulled into the driveway and seen that the movers were already there. he got out and walked up the stairs and seen a guy leaning on the rails. he ignored him and continued to walk till he called out. 

"Hey! You're the new guy moving in here?" Jungkook turned around and got a good look at the guy. He was tall, had grey hair, even hen he half smiled his dimples shown, Jungkook had to admit... he was really hot. 

"Uh...yea if I'm the only new face around here and I have movers with me then obviously im the new guy here." The tall guy laughed and held out his hand. 

"Kim Namjoon nice to meet you," Jungkook smirked and took his hand shaking it. 

"Jeon Jungkook." 

"Wait Jungkook? Do you know Jackson?" Jungkook frowned his eyebrows and in confusion. 

"Uuhhh dating a guy named Mark?" 

"Yea him" 

"Yea I know him...wait you know him?" 

"Nah not at all I just said his name and said yes to the guy dating him," Namjoon smirked and Jungkook laughed. Yup definitely likes this guy.

"what bout em?" 

"Nothing I just know you Jackson would talk about you." Jungkooks eyes widened and Namjoon chuckled "Don't worry kid I won't say shit, he told me to look out for you." 

"well I don't need anyone to look after me...but thanks." Namjoon threw his hands up as defense and tilted his head. 

"hey man just passing the message." Jungkook nodded. 

"Anything else?" 

"Nah.. not that I can think of." Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned around. "Here!" he threw a pack of cigarettes at Jungkook and Jungkook got confused. 

"I don't smoke!" Namjoon smirked. 

"Open it!" Jungkook opened it and was shocked but happy and he smiled.  


"Of course, maybe we could smoke together sometime!" Jungkook smirked and nodded. 

"Ight bye!" Jungkook walked into his apartment and put the pack of weed in the box with the rest of the weed stuff and put it under his bed. Maybe he will like this place. 

I'm gonna upload a chapter a day, maybe 2 it depends. 

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