22. Bath~

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Soft chapter uwu

the next morning Jungkook woke up alone he went to move but groaned from the pain in his ass the bathroom door opens and Yoongi runs in.

"Are you okay baby?" Both of the boys looked down and blushed.

"Uhh.. yea just my ass hurts" Yoongi had a smug grin on his face when he looked up and Jungkook scuffed "this is your fault" Jungkook raised his arms. "Carry me to the bathroom ima take a bath" Yoongi rolled his eyes and walked over to Jungkook

"Your lucky I like you" Jungkook gave him his bunny smile and Yoongis heart fluttered. He picked Jungkook up automatically wrapping his legs around the older putting his head in the crook of Yoongis neck and Yoongi kissed Jungkook on his head. And carried him into the bathroom putting Jungkook on the counter while he went to fill the bathtub even putting some bubbles in there. Jungkook hopped off the counter groaning in pain limping to the bathtub Yoongi felt bad but yet proud. Jungkook got in the tub and made gabby hands at Yoongi and Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Are you always like this after sex?" Jungkook pouted

"No but I want you in here with me" Yoongi rolled his eyes and got in the tub. Jungkook straddled him and Yoongi froze a little but then relaxed. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Yoongis waist and head in the crook of his neck and Yoongi had his arms stepped around Jungkooks body rubbing Jungkooks back and Jungkook smirked and got an idea. He kissed Yoongis neck trying to find his sweet spot.

"Baby... what are you trying to do ah fuck" Jungkook smirked and started to suck on that spot and Yoongis hands gripped Jungkooks hips lightly and Jungkook bit and sucked a little harder and Yoongis grub got tighter and Jungkook moaned. "Don't start something you can't finish baby boy" Jungkook pulled away smirking at the dark purple and blue mark he made on Yoongis neck.

"What if I want to finish it?"

"Baby your sore I don't want to hurt you more than you already are"

"But daddy... you said that wasn't the roughest you can do why don't you give it to me rough like you do to every other slut?" It took so much self control for Yoongi not to rip Jungkook apart but he kept it cool

"Baby you can barely even walk I'll go rough when you feel better." Jungkook started to push down grinding his hips onto Yoongis and Yoongi squeezes Jungkooks waist earning a moan from him echoing through the bathroom and It made Yoongi even more turned on. "Baby are you sure you want to do this?" Jungkook nodded biting his lip trying not to moan then he felt Yoongis member rubbing against his entrance. "Fine how about this, you can ride me so you can keep the pace that doesn't hurt you but..." Yoongi leaned down to Jungkooks ear. "After this don't complain to me that you can't walk" he bit Jungkooks earlobe and Jungkook moaned out.

He got excited and without hesitation he lined his entrance up with Yoongis member and slowly slid down since it was a hot bath his muscles were relaxed and the water was good enough lube both boys moaned when he hit the base. He sat there with his head in Yoongis neck. Yea it hurt... a lot but Jungkook was so fucking horny it was driving him and Yoongi insane. He didn't give much time to adjust before he started to slowly bounce up and down his muscles relaxing more so he's stretched enough to where he could start to bounce faster and Yoongis hands stayed on Jungkooks hips with the same amount of grip on them both knowing he will leave marks.

"Fuck your such a fucking slut aren't even healed yet and your bouncing on my dick." Jungkook moaned out and bounced even faster and Yoongi could tell he wanted more when he groaned out in frustration. Yoongi really didn't want to but he wanted to satisfy Jungkook so he picked Jugoook up turning him around bending him over slamming back in him not giving him time to adjust.

"FUUUCK Y-YES DADDY!!!! THERE H-HARDER AAAAAHHHH" Yoongi thrusted even harder grabbing Jungkooks hair pulling it back growling in Jungkooks ear.

"Fuck your such a slut for daddy huh?"

"Y-YES DADDY AAAAHHH!!!!" Yoongi smacked Jungkooks ass and Jungkook moaned out again. "DADDY C-CLOSE!!!"

"Hold it baby, don't you dare cum until I say so, you want to be a dirty little slut and I'll treat you like one!" Yoongi smacked his ass again and yanked harder on his hair. Pounding roughly into Jungkook of course not enough like he would normally do but enough to where they both like it. Yoongi LOVES rough sex and knowing that Jungkook loves rough sex it so much better that having sluts and whores pounce on him everywhere he would walk. Why would he need all those sluts when he can have one of his own who is so much like him and likes they things he likes. After a few more thrusts Yoongi was close and Jungkook was now in pain from not cuming. "Fuck baby... cum for daddy" Jungkook released a loud moan and came and they realized the water turned cold and Yoongi got out wrapping himself in a towel before doing the same to Jungkook carrying him to bed and he passed out one Yoongi put him in bed didn't even change anything. Yoongi chuckled and grabbed a pair of boxers and put them on Jungkook before doing the same.

He looked at the time and seen that it was 9:30 and he cussed knowing that they probably woke up at 7:30 ish. He crawled in bed next to Jungkook looking at him and started to think, he was so in love with Lisa he did everything for her which included being abused by her, looking at Jungkook he felt the same thing, but Jungkook is just as fragile as he is he believes Jungkook won't hurt him like she did, but one part of his mind says different he doesn't want to get hurt again he's so scared he will get hurt, the first time he saw Jungkook it was love at first sight because there was something about him... now he doesn't want to let him go, Jungkook needs to be protected and he will do whatever he can do protect him. Little does he know that Jungkook thinks the same thing about him.

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