12. Hyung

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The next morning everyone minus Yoongi and Jungkook was awake and Jungkook finally woke up and smelt food and he got up stretching before walking into the kitchen.

"Oh good morning Kookie"

"Good morning Eomma... what's are you cooking" Jungkook put his head on Jins shoulder (world wide shoulder) and Jin chuckled.

"Food now go wake up Yoongi"

"Nuh uh I woke him up yesterday"

"But he didn't kill you so you can do it again."

"Uugg... by the way who laid me down and out the blanket on me?"

"Yoongi did" Jungkook wa surprised to say at the least. "Now go wake him up." Jungkook nodded and walked up to Yoongis room he opened the door and walked in before shutting it quietly he went over to the bed and lightly shook him.

"Yoongi?...... Yoongi time to get up Jin Hyung is making breakfast" Yoongi groaned and turned around curling up in a ball. Jungkook chuckled "Yoongi Get up its time for breakfaaahhh" Yoongi pulled Jungkook in the bed and cuddled up to him.

"Shhhh just sleep" Jungkook giggled and flicked Yoongis forehead

"No time to get up ass wipe" Yoongi looked up at him with a look that said 'I give you 5 seconds to run or your dead' so with that look Jungkook jumped up running out the door running downstairs hiding behind Jin. "Eomma help me he's gonna kill meeee" Yoongi was groaning and walking towards Jungkook glaring at him.


"EOMMA HEEEELP" Jin laughed

"Guys calm down Yoongi you can kill him after breakfast now go sit down. Yoongi walked away mumbling stuff under his breath and Jungkook sighed and went To the table. He sat down and swallowed the lump in his throat when Yoongi was glaring at him. All through out breakfast Yoongi kept glaring at Jungook while he was eating and it was like it didn't bother anyone. "So Jungkook we and when I say we I mean all but Yoongi talked about it not that it matters because majority vote, but we were thinking that you could move in with us." Jungkooks  eyes widened and he and Yoongi dropped their forks.

"WHAT?!" Jungkook and Yoongi yelled

"Uhhh or not?"

"No it's just... it shocked me yea sure I'll love to move in." Yoongi was even more shocked than before

"Awesome So later today we can pack your stuff up and move you in."

"My stuff is already packed I havnt really unpacked anything."

"Oh cool, do you want to go get it now?"

"Yea sure" Yoongi didn't say anything he got up and went straight to his room.

Time skip just cause

"So this is your room... only thing is you will be sharing the bathroom with Yoongi." Jungkook nodded

"Thanks Namjoon Hyung."

"No problem."

"Hey guys ima go out with Tony"

"Okay bye Jimin hyung"

"Bye Kooks" Jungkook went into his room and started unpacking.

"How come you call everyone else Hyung but you won't call me Hyung?" Jungkook jumped and looked to see Yoongi standing in the doorway of their bathroom.

"Uhh I don't know"

"Hmm okay, well just saying sometimes your door to the bathroom doesn't lock we keep meaning to buy a lock but it keeps slipping our mind so you will have to knock to make sure I'm not in there" Jungkook nodded "welp bye"

"Bye Yoongi"


"Nah Just Yoongi" Jungkook smirked and Yoongi left the bathroom slamming his bathroom door and Jungook laughed.

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