9. Piano & Mother

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Jungkook walked in the room and not many people were there the teacher wasn't even there yet. He looked around and he heard a piano being played in the next room and he looked through the window and seen Yoongi playing the piano, it was like he was trying to say something through the piano, it was sad... but angry... but beautiful all at the same time... he couldn't describe it, it must be original because Jungkook listens to piano songs all the time and he never heard of that one. Yoongi got done and he sighed.

"You can come in you know... staring is kinda creepy." Jungkook chuckled and opened the door walking up to the piano.

"That was beautiful" Yoongi scoffed. "What?"

"It's not finished... it's missing something I don't know how to end it."

"Well what's it about?"

"I can't tell you" Jungkook nodded.

"Well from the sound of it... it was mixed with something sad, angry, but beautiful, try ending it with something I don't know another word for happy"

"If only I could"

"What do yo-"

"Shhhh you ask a lot of questions... come here" Jungkook sat down next to Yoongi and Yoongi put his hands on the piano and started to play it again. He had more feeling into it, a lot more sadness than anger, but beauty mixed with the sadness it made Jungkook tear up a little. It's like Jungkook knew what it was saying but he couldn't explain it... all he could really say was 'I know how that feels' Yoongi got done and Jungkook wiped a tear that fell.

"I really like it"

"Thanks... do you play?"

"Uhhh... I used to" Jungkook smiled remembering the memories. "My mom taught me, I always loved music, when I was 4 my mom got a piano, she would play it, there were times where I would crawl up on her lap while she was playing and I'd fall asleep listening to her play. When I was 5 she started to teach me, I played up till I was 15.... then my mom died... since that happened after that I played it was a stress reliever then not even a month later something else happened... And I stopped playing. Never touched another piano again" Yoongi nodded.

"Try playing again" Jungkook looked at Yoongi and they made eye contact for a little bit, Jungkook could see something in Yoongis eyes he didn't know what... but whatever it was... he liked it and he trusted it. He turned to the piano and sighed. He hesitantly put them on the piano. "Relax take a deep breath." He nodded and took a deep breath before starting to play. It was one of his original songs that he made right after his mom died. He felt so many feeling and he played them all, he started to cry remembering all the times that him and his mom would spend together, all the times she was by his side, all the jokes and fun moments they had together even the little things that people wouldn't usually think were that important, he did. All of it came out when he played. Then he started remembering all the stuff that happened after her death, the heartbreak, the abuse, everything. He continued to play while tears ran down his face. He finally stopped. Yoongi sat there with a few tears on his face. He quickly wiped them away. "That was...."

"That was beautiful" the 2 guys looked up to see a lady standing at the door. "Hi I'm Ms. Smith... you must be Jungkook." Jungkook quickly got up and bowed and she chuckled. "You don't have to do that" she looked at Yoongi "can you give us a moment please?" Yoongi nodded standing up going to close the piano but Ms. Smith stopped him "don't close it just yet." Yoongi nodded and walked back into the classroom shutting the door. She turned back to Jungkook. "You know I haven't seen Yoongi cry like that in about... 2 years? I mean every once in a while when he played he would shed a tear or 2, but not like that. You both went through something and that's why y'all are the way y'all are now huh?" Jungkooks eyes widened. "Haha don't worry, almost every teacher knows why your here, I mean we kinda have to, and South Korea really isn't that big we teachers hear things, a lot of us are pretty surprised, I mean we don't know why you did what you did, Damn I'm really the only one minus Yoongis friends that know why he is the way he is... I'm not saying you have to tell me... just know I'm here if you need to talk." Jungkook nodded "here come sit down." Jungkook sat down and she looked at Jungkook "play something" Jungkook sat there thinking for a second before he started to play. It was smooth and beautiful. He got done and Ms. Smith was smiling. "You remind me so much of her"


"Your mother... she always put so much effort and emotion into her playing" Jungkooks eyes widened. "I had your mother when she was little, I taught her how to play, she couldn't afford lessons so she would come here and I'd teach her for free." Jungkook smiled. "You have her eyes." Jungkook chuckled. "Come here I want to show you something" Jungkook followed her back into the classroom and saw that Yoongi was standing at the window the whole time he looked down and continued to follow the teacher to her desk. She opened the drawer and grabbed a little book and handed it to Jungkook. "Here... these are some pictures of your mom me and some of the other staff have taken." Jungkook opened it and he smiled and started to tear up. He really did have his moms eyes, and her smile, and her hair. "Why don't you go home for the day? I'll tell your math teacher you can't make it." Jungkook nodded and went to give the pictures back but she just shook her head. "Keep them... you need them more than I do... besides I have more where those came from" Jungkook smiled and nodded and gave Ms. Smith a hug.

"Thank you" she shook her head.

"No need to thank me... but hey *points at Jungkook with a serious look* tomorrow we have work to do so don't be late" she smiled and Jung look laughed and sniffled.

"Yes ma'am." He felt eyes on him when he left and he turned around to see Yoongi looking at him and Jungkook half smiled and waved and Yoongi lifted his head up a little a smiled a little bit. And Jungkook headed home for the day

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