46. Court pt. 2

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"Ms. Leo please take the stand"

*blah blah blah oath*

"Me. Leo I'm going to get straight to the point, why did you wait so long to say Yoongi raped you?"

"Because I was scared, h-he got mad because he was failing dance because he would do anything. S-So one day he stayed after... a-and forever oh my god"

"It's fine just take your time."

"A-after that I was scared so I didn't say anything. Till yesterday he brought me down and so I decided to come then"

"Okay thank you no further questions"

"Me. Leo your 4 months pregnant right?"

"Yes sir"

"Do you know what a paternity test is?"

"No sir"

"You see a paternity test is where they take your blood and do testings when they do the test they will separate yours and the Babies DNA since they baby will have the fathers DNA in it. We have scheduled an appointment for you to to take a DNA test to see if Min Yoongi is the father"


"Oh? Are you scared now?"

"N-no, that's just against my rights"

"Actually Ms. Leo it is not against your rights we already got approved for it. Judge can we have a recess?"

"Yes 15 minuets"

After recess

"So I suppose both of them got a DNA test?"

"Yes your honor it will take 24 hours for the test results"

"Okay Until tomorrow"

*time skip to tomorrow want to get this over with lmao*

"Has the test results came back yet?"

"No your honor"

"Okay Mr. Min step up to the stand"

"So Mr. Min yesterday after court you told me something what was that something?"

"Yes so 4 months this ago I did in facts have SEX with Ms. Leo"

Ms. Leo *cough raped cough*

"Keep your slide comments to yourself Ms. Leo"

"Sorry your honor"

"Mr. Min continue."

"Yes so 4 months ago as I said I had sex with her. If you don't believe it was sex then take a look at this" Yoongi gave them a tape and Ms. Leo's face automatically shocked.

*video of Ms. Leo seducing Yoongi 4 months ago*

"As you can see it even has the date and before that I didn't have sex with her for a month before that, I also have that recording if you want that one too"

"No thank you" Jungkook looked at Ms. Leo and smirked then Mr. Jungs phone rang "excuse me Mr. Jung no phones in the courtroom you know this"

"I'm sorry ma'am but it's the clinic"

"Ok goodie turn on the volume please"

"Hello this is blah blah clinic on 3rd street May I talk to Mr. Jung?"

"This is he"

"Yes the lab results came back.... Min Yoongi.... is

NOT the father however there is one student who is the father, the baby is none other than Lee Taemins"

"Thank you sir"

"Okay we will have a break so the jury can discuss the results 5 minuets" everyone went outside and Ms. Leo ran up to Yoongi


"Mr. Chan please get your client she is harassing my client"

"Got it Ms. Leo lets go"

"Noooo it wasn't supposed to end this way!"

"So.. Taemin slept with the dance teacher"

"Yuup, I'm guessing that's why he and Lisa left"


"After this if you get out"

"If? Baby I'm not guilty" Jungkook giggled

"Okay then WHEN we go home we should celebrate me... you... and Jimin we havnt had a fun time in 4 days now" Yoongi smirked and went to kiss Jungkook but Mr. Jung interrupted.

"Guys the Jury made a decision" they all went back inside and sat down.

"On the count of rape in the first how does the verdict plead?"

"we done the defendant Min Yoongi.......

Not guilty your honor."

"On the count of sleeping with a student how does the verdict plead"


"Well yes Ms. Leo it wasn't rape and may I add you seduced him."

"We find defendant Susan Leo guilty of lying under oath and sleeping with a student"

"Okay that's all Min Yoongi you are free to go. Ms. Leo you you are guilty of not only sleeping with a student but also for lying under oath 10 years in prison... maybe you will know what real rape will be"

"Wait what's that supposed to mean"

"Oh also find Lee Taemin and have him under arrest for sleeping with his teacher"

Yoongi walked up to Jungook and gripped his hips bringing him to his chest.

"Now why don't we pick up Jimin... and go home to celebrate?"

"Sounds like fun.... daddy" Jungkook giggled and Yoongi lifted him up and carried him to the car going to get Jimin.

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