3. high thought

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The movers finished with everything Namjoon ended up coming over and he gave Jungkook his number so they could text whevever. Jungkook invited him in and Namjoon came in and sat on the couch while Jungkook went to get the box under his bed. Jungkook came back and put the box on the coffee table then turned on the TV and grabbed the pack that Namjoon gave him. He rolled a blunt light it then took a hit out of it before giving it to Namjoon who happily took it and hit it. 

"So NaMjOoN tell me about yourslef." 

"Haha why did you say my name like that? Jungkook shrugged

"i dont know...now tell me." 

"Well My mane is Kim Namjoon, im 19 years old i moved out when i was 19 cause i didnt want to live with my family anymore, dont get me wrong i love them but i just couldnt live with them anymore. Im a senior, i have a boyfriend who is a sophmore in college, he is 21, Im a drug dealer but also work at Panda Express. I have 4 other firends and you will meet them soon. I love music, I rap and  im an underground rapper with one of my other friends, but i cant sing worth shit, nor can i dance, my stage name was Rap Monster but since i started dancing at school people started to call me dance monster so i changed it to RM. And yea... thats about it...what about you lover boy?" 

"1> Dont call me lover boy. and 2. i have a long story but thats for uhhh another time, but my name is Jeon Jungkook. I am 17 years old, moved out when i was 15 cause of personal stuff. Im a Junior in highschool, and im single." 

"Oh i know that." Jungkook chuckled and hit another time. 

"I moved here cause i want to change, i want something real, or nothing at all."

"i wouldnt blame you, went through your hoe stage and now your done, it happens." 

"Really? So have you been through yours?" 

"Oh yea i lost mine at 16 fucked with a few people here and there nothing major, then i met Jin and we have been together right before i was 17 and we been together since." 

"Damn now i really do feel like a hoe, i lost my virginity at 13 with someone i thought loved me and he didnt, we dated for 2 years and after my mom died eveything went bad, and lets just say me and him arent together anymore then i moved out and fucked with a bunch of people, and a bunch of people fucked me." 

"Yea trust me..i heard." They laughed and they got done with the blunt and sat in silence watching tv and chilling till Jungkook broke the silence. 

"Dude have you ever sat there and thought/ talked to yourslef and started to laugh becuase what you thought was so funny but then when your high goes away your just like.. Bruuh.. that wasnt even funny why did i laugh at that?" 

"Bruuuh all the fucking time. haha" 

"and why doesnt a taco truch drive around neighboorhoods like ice cream trucks do?" 

"You know i never thought about that... dude... we should so totally do that." 

"Namjoon your only saying that because your fucking stoned" 

"Hahaha yea probably... but damn now i want food." 

"SAAAME....WAIT i have pizza!" Jungkook got up almost tripping and falling but they both laughed ad he got the pizza putting it on the table before plopping down on the couch getting a slice. 

"Bruh why do we park on driveways but drive on parkways?" 

"you know i always thought about that it makes no sense." 

"Riiight.. dude tell me why i have this friend named Park Jimin right and girls love us so they would always be like 'why Park Jimin when you can Ride Jimin'" they both busted out laughing. 

"Dude that pretty funny" 

"Riiight... oh one of my friends said something about having a party tonigh you wanna go?" 

"Fuck yes" 

"Ight bet!" 

Little does Jungkook that night would be the night that could change everything. 

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