29. Noona

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A week passed by... Jungkook and Yoongi havnt fucked since then because Maddie would cockblock them or Jungkook would always be with Maddie, even when they were at school... luckily Maddie had to go back to America and it's Friday so Yoongi will RECK that ass but also sad that she was leaving, so they said their goodbyes.

"MADDIE NOONA IMA MISS YOU!!! Taehyung cried and her arms and she patted his head.

"I'll miss you too TaeTae! Hobi take good care of Taehyung okay he's gonna need it!"


"Oh nothing love" she smiled and Patted him on the head again Taehyung just shrugged

"OKAY 🤷🏻‍♀️" he was so clueless Next was Jin and Namjoon.

"Goodbye love, I'll miss cooking with you"

"And and I won't miss you beating me with a shoe whenever I broke something" Maddie glared at him taking off her shoe beating him again.

"Then... stop... breaking... shit" everyone laughed and Namjoon pouted walking away recovering from being beaten with a shoe for the thousandth time.

"We will miss you Madds"

"And I'll miss you guys Chimchim. I'll be back soon, I graduate before you guys do... speaking of you will be getting a letter in the mail for my graduation."


Jungkook walked up to her and hugged her and started to cry a little.

"I'm going to miss you Noona!"

"Awe my baby Kookie... I'll miss u too... if you ever need to talk, rant, or even get away from this fuckboy"


"Haha you can always hit me up okay?"

"Thanks Noona"

"Of course baby, anything for my little Kookie?" She ponied Jungkooks cheeks and he giggled.

"OKAY ENOUGH!!! He's mine!" Maddie laughed and rolled her eyes

"Oh Yoongis if I really wanted him I could have him." Yoongi glared at her and she put her arms up, she might be his Noona but when someone threatens to take something of his away.... run! "Okay okay got it" she leaned down to Jungkooks ear "your so gonna get it when you get home" Jungkook looked back to see Yoongi glaring at them and he smirked turning back to Maddie.

"Not if I get in the room first!!!" She laughed and high-fived him.

"Okay okay my turn before she leaves." Jungkook laughed and stepped back from Maddie and Maddie opened her arms and Yoongi ran into her arms. "I'll miss you Noona."



"Haha your fine I won't do that... BUT next time I will fuckboy!"


'Flight 69 to America now boarding'

"Haha your flight is 69"

"You perverted fuckboy!" Maddie clicked her tongue and laughed. Everyone said goodbye once again watching her go... they ran up to the window and seen her take her seat, as the plane started to take off she made a funny sad pouty face and everyone laughed while crying waving her goodbye.

When they got home Jungkook automatically ran upstairs and shut and locked his door and Yoongis side of the bathroom door and hid in his closet.

"Tsk tsk tsk... baby boy you know I have a key to your room there is no point in hiding." Yoongi smirked and Jungkook put his hand over his mouth and stayed silent and frozen. Yoongi looked around the room and his smirk grew bigger. "FOUND YOU!"


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