16. Done with it

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so I ended up deleting this chapter bc I made a mistake I don't even want to talk about it!!! This might not be as good as my other version I had but I'll try... I'm so pissed now!!!!

It's been 3 weeks since Yoongi has ignored Jungkook, he wouldn't even show up to music, dance he would stay away from Jungkook, it was bothering him. For those 3 weeks even after that night Yoongi would still bring people over, he would stay out late, he really would keep his distance from Jungkook and Jungkook was tired of it. He didn't think it was much of a big deal so he decided he has had enough of it. He walked into the music room and up to Ms. Smith.

"Hey Ms. Smith have you seen Yoongi?"

"Don't you live with him"

"Uhhh.... yea he's just never home anymore... I may have done something and I want to try to fix it." She smiled.

"I shouldn't tell you this but yea he comes in here every day after school" Jungkook nodded and thought of an idea

"Do you mind if i come in after school for "extra practice?"" She smirked then smiled.

"Of course you can I'll be here after school, you can head home change then come back so your more comfortable with it." Jungkook nodded

"Okay I'll see you this afternoon" Jungkook went to sit down.

"Now listen up everyone you have 2 weeks till you have to preform your music in front of the class for a grade no if ands or buts" Everyone groaned and Jungkook sat there thinking. Him and Yoongi decided that Yoongi will do the beginning, Jungkook would do the middle and they would both work on the ending but with Yoongi not there it made it hard for not only Jungkook to write his but they also have to write the ending. Another reason Jungkook is coming this afternoon. after Music Jungkook went to his car and put everything in it before heading home to change. When he got home he was surprised to walk through the door to see a Yugyeom sitting on the couch with Jimin and Tony. Yugyeom seen Jungkook and Jumped up suffocating him in a hug.


"I...missed you... too Yugyeom.... but can't.... breath" Jungkook chokes out and Yugyeom let go laughing


"Haha 1. Stop yelling, 2. Hello to you too, and 3. I miss you too Yugyeom." Yugyeom hugged Jungkook again but softly. "Now sit and tell your Yugyeom everything" Jungkook chuckled and sat down. After explaining to Yugyeom everything that has been happening Jungkook went upstairs to change out of his uniform before he had to go to the school. He walked past Yoongis room but stopped when he heard Yoongi on the phone.

"No Namjoon I can't do that he has a boyfriend.........because I know he lives with us how would I not know....... i don't even know how I feel all I know is I don't like them dating......... NO I CANT LIKE HIM I DONT LIKE HIM DONT EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!!! I have to go DONT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS!!!" Jungkook felt a ping to his heart and hurried up heading to his room and got ready before heading to the school.

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