38. Dont fuk with Maddies family

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*when Maddie and the others left the house*

"So what exactly are we doing?"

"Beating the fuck out of 2 people"

"Taemin and Lisa?"


"YEESSS!!!! Wait why not Yoongi?"

"Because the reason he did that was because 2 little bitches decided to threaten him."

"Those bitches"

"That's what I'm saying"

*time skip*

They got to Lisa's old house and Taehyung went to knock but Maddie rolled her eyes and opened the door and walked into the living room to see Taemin and Lisa talking

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I'm here to kick your fucking ass"

"Ummm what?"

"I said...." Maddie got up in Lisa's face with her resting bitch face on. "I'm her to kick... your fucking... ass!" Maddie pushed Lisa back and punched her in the face and Lisa fell and put her hand on her nose and saw there was blood and she got mad and stood up yelling before tackling Maddie Taemin was paying attention to them fighting that he didn't see Namjoon come up to him decking him in the face casing him to fall back on his chair.

Maddie flipped them over and started wailing on Lisa, Taehyung on the other hand welp... he was recording the whole thing.

"DONT EVER!!! FUCKING THREATEN MY FAMILY AGAIN!!!! LEAVE JUNGKOOK AND YOONGI THE FUCK ALONE!!! Or next time" Maddie got up and hovered over a coughing up blood Lisa "I won't stop" she threw one more punch and Lisa knocked out. Maddie made her way over to Taemin who looked worse than Lisa did. "And you!!! TAKE THAT SLUTTY ASS WHORE OF YOURS AND NeVeR COME BACK!!!! UNDERSTOOD?" He nodded and Maddie nodded her head and Namjoon nocked him out and they left to go home.... boy did they wish they stayed away.


"FUCK BABY SO DAMN TIGHT!!!" Everyone looked at each other and ran out of the house.

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