39. Tease ~

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Jungkook and Yoongi were on their way to dinner Jin wanted to go out for dinner because he didn't feel like Kooking (get it haha... no? Okay I'll stop) when they got there Jungkook and Yoongi walked in and joined everyone they sat across from each other and started talking enjoying their time and until Yoongi got a text.

Babyboy 🍑 🍪:
Please stop

Yoongi smirked and texted back

Daddy 👅💦:
Idk what ur talking about baby

Babyboy 🍑🍪:
Yoongi... please
Your foot!

Yoongi smirked and put his phone away paying attention to the others conversations and continued to run his foot on Jungkooks clothes member. Yoongi tried to ignore the messages but they just kept cumming (HA!)

Babyboy 🍑🍪:
Yoongi please
Yoongi please stop
I'm really fucking hard it hurts

Yoongi smirked when Jungkook moaned but covered it up with a cough

"Are you okay babe?" Jungkook glared at Yoongi who was smirking still rubbing his foot on his Now clothed hard member.

"Yea Jungkook are you okay?"

"Y-Yea just swallowed wrong"

"Oh baby you should be careful next time" Yoongi smirked again and put more pressure on his member. Jungkook continued to glare at Yoongi who kept rubbing his foot on Jungkooks member till the food got there.

Babyboy 🍑🍪:
Please stop
I'm gonna cum

Yoongi smirked and took his foot off of Jungkooks member and Jungkook released a relieved sigh but a small whimper left his lips in kinda disappoint. They continued to eat and when they were almost done Yoongi decided to fuck with Jungkook again and place his foot back on Jugkooks clothes member and Jungkook jolted a little because he was sensitive from not cumming and being left with blue balls and hard as a rock.

"Jungkook are you sure your okay?"

"Uhhh yea I'm.... fine just uhhh... a little tired."

"Yea after we are done eating we have to head out if that's okay."

"Oh of course no worries go ahead you need the sleep."

"Thank you" they continued to finish eating and Jungkook smirked a little and put his foot on Yoongis clothed member and Yoongi gasped in surprise and Jungkook pressed harder shaking his foot.

"You know what, Jungkook really wasn't feeling well earlier so I think we will just head out now so he can get sleep."

"Of course, we will be back at the house a little late"

"Okay thank you guys We'll see you later bye" before anyone could say anything Yoongi dragged Jungkook out of the restaurant and to the car. On the way home it was quiet. But as soon as they got home Yoongi man handled Jungkook up the stairs and dropped him on the floor (lightly) and Yoongi sat on the bed. "On your knees facing me now!" Jungkook sat on his knees and Yoongi loosened his tie and put his foot on Jungkooks clothes member and Jungkook moaned out wanting more friction he went to grab Yoongis foot to push down but Yoongi didn't let him. "NO! Hands behind your back, maybe next time you won't be a bad boy!" Jungkook moaned and put his hands behind his back. "Good boy"

"AAHH!!! Daddy!!!"

"Cum baby... I want to see you fall apart just from me using my foot." Jungkook moaned as Yoongi put more pressure on his member shaking it causing him to cum. Jungkook fell back on the floor and Yoongi smirked and stood up. "Oh baby.... you don't think we're done here do you?"

I think I'm a master at cliffhangers at this point lmao...

Next chapter will continue from where they left off till then don't forget to comment, and vote

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