45. Court Pt. 1

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the next morning everyone woke up to get ready for court and Yoongi was having difficulties with the tie mumbling some cuss words under his breath Jungkook chuckled walking in front of him starting to fix his tie.

"Baby... breath we will get through this"

"What if it is my baby?" Jungkook looked up at Yoongi and sighed

"Then not much we can do, but we CAN prove you didn't rape her"

"How" Jungkook smirked and put a hand on Yoongis chest.

"Just leave it to me baby"

"I love you"

"Aww I love you too"

"Oh I have something that will make you happy"

"Yea?" Yoongi leaned down to where their lips were just barely touching "what's that?" Jungkook lifted up his shirt and grabbed Yoongis hand placing it on his stomach and Yoongis eyes widened and his eyes started to tear up. "Is that?" Jungkook smiled

"It is"

"He/she is growing so fast"

"They are"

"You have a little baby bump"

"I do"

"Hey guys we will be late"

Time skip to the court

"We are here for the trial of Min Yoongi for the rape of Leo Susan how does the defendant plead?"

"Not guilty your honor"

"Okay Mr. Min please come to the stand" Yoongi got up and walked over to the stand and sat down. "Please say the following, I swear that the evidence that I shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God."

"I solemnly affirm that the evidence that I shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me god."

"Mr.Chan you may ask your questions"

"Mr.Min how are you today"

"I was pretty upset but now I'm happy"

"And why were you upset?"

"Because I'm on trial for a crime I never committed"

"But then why are you happy?"

"Because I just found out my boyfriend and I's baby is growing so he is showing."

"Oh so your boyfriend is pregnant?"

"Yes sir"

"Have you ever... raped your boyfriend"


"I'll let it pass... Mr. Min answer the question"

"Of course not id never rape him"

"Oh but you would rape someone else"



"BUT YOU DID! YOU DID AND THE VICTIM IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE!" The lawyer pointed to Ms. Leo and Yoongi started to get mad.


"No your honor" Mr. Jung walked up.

"Hello Mr. Min"


"I have a few questions"

"Of course"

"So you previously said you have a boyfriend and he's pregnant"

"Objection your honor that wasn't a question"

"Sustained Mr. Jung please hurry"

"Of course. Recently there was a video you shown to your principal is that correct?"

"Yes sir"

"Do you mind if I play that recording up on the screen?"

"No sir you can show it" mr. Jung put the video up and played it

"Calm down I'm just saying if you don't want it to be put out there I want you to sleep with me" Jungkook was jungshook.

"Uhhh... no... I don't care if that goes out, I moved here because that's not who I am anymore, I may have fucked around with everyone at my old school even teachers but I'm not about that life anymore, and blackmailing a student isn't right, how would the principal feel if he knows about this huh?"

"Oh sweetie who's word would it be huh? All I'd have to say is your lying and you tried to hit on me and when I said no you got mad... tell me... who would they believe me a teacher that has been here for 8 years, or a slut!?"

"Tell me who were those people in the video?"

"My boyfriend Jeon Jungkook and Ms. Leo"

"And when his news went around you went to the principal"

"Yes sir, I went to the principal and shown him the video and then she got fired and right when she got fired she tried to say I raped her"

"Oh so it wasn't when it first started?"

"No sir it was right after she was caught threatening a student"

"Thank you Mr.Min" Mr. Jung went and sat back down and Mr. Chan stood up.

"Mr. min you said that you shown that video after your boyfriends information went out is that correct?"

"Yes sir"

"Why didn't you just tell the principal right away?"

"Why didn't she say she was raped right away?"

"Objection this is about you"

"I'm not going to lie I didn't want her to get fired"

"And why was that?"

"Because she gave good head when I wanted to fuck her or when I wanted head she would give it to me"

"Riiight she would give it to you did she ever say she wanted it?"

"Yes actually sometimes she would beg me for it"

"No more questions your honor"

It's sad when you've seen so many episodes of law and order you know how it goes

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