6. Dance

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After 2 class periods, it was finally time for dance and he was so excited, dance was his favorite. He walked in and everyone's eyes were on him, all but a certain someone who was sleeping in the corner. Hoseok turned back to said sleeping boy and he was trying to wake him up but it didn't work Namjoon smirked going over to Yoongi whispering something in his ear making him jump up and chasing Namjoon around the room. 


"Suck my dick" the teacher rolled her eyes and tried to be slick by lip saying 'later' but Jungkook caught it and scoffed rolling his eyes. 

"So I heard we have a new student... would you like to introduce yourself?" 

"Not really but I will... my name is Jeon Jungkook I am 17 I came from Busan, I sing, dance, and I can rap, that's pretty much it." 

"Well, why don't you dance for us?" 

"Uuhhh sure" 

"Wow, that was really good... was not expecting that... good job, okay now everyone listen I want you in a group of 3 and come up with a dance and you will perform it by the end of class before lunch got it? good" 

"Hey want to team up with me and Jimin?" Jungkook looked at Hoseok then at Jimin who was already coming up with stuff. 

"Uh... sure why not" 

"YAAAY JIMINIE HE SAID YEEEES!!!!" Jungkook chuckled and shook his head and he looked at Yoongi who was looking at him but quickly looked away shaking his head Jungkook was confused about it but let it go and walked over and started to practice with Jimin and Hoseok. During practice Taehyung was cheering them on and Yoongi even cut in doing a little dance and Jungkook would fuck around every once in a while causing everyone to laugh but other times he was fully concentrating After 3 long hours of practicing they were done and ready to go. 

when they were done the teacher was in shock. 

"Wow...just wow, good job Jungkook and considering those 2 dont let anyone join with them that means something. Good job everyone else you can go to lunch... Jungkook can you stay after?" Jungkook nodded and everyone left. 

"Yes Ma'am you wanted to talk to me?" 

"Ah yes, how is your first day so far?" 

"Its pretty good." 

"Thats good... so listen i know why you moved schools." Jungkooks eyes wided and he laughed. "Calm down im just saying if you dont want your buisness out there than i want you to sleep with me." Jungkook was Jungshook. 

"uhhh... no... I dont care if it goes out, i moved here because thats not who i am anymore i may have fucked around with everyone at my old school even teachers but im not about that life anymore and blackmailing a student isnt right, how would you feel if the principal knew about this huh?" 

"Oh, sweetie whos word would it be huh? All i have to say is that your lying, you tried to hit on me and when i said no you got mad and said i woud regret it... tell me... who would they believe, me a teacher that has been here for 8 years, or you... a slut?" 

"I would say they would believe the slut because the slut has proof" Both of them turned to the door to see Yoongi leaning on the door frame holding up his phone smirking, and their eyes widened. 

"Y-Yoongi how long have you been there?" Yoongi rolled his eyes pushing off the door walking towards the 2 but Jungkook stayed shocked and frozen.

"Really? Haha, thats what you ask? I stood there long enough to get everything recorded...try anything with us again and ill send it to the principal dont...try me... Jungkook lets go" Jungkook snapped out of his trance and nodded grabbing his bag and leaving with Yoongi.

"Why didnt you just tell the principal" Yoongi shrugged 

"Because she gives good ass head" Jungkook rolled his eyes and scoffed and continued walking with Yoongi to the bleachers. 

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