11. Movie night

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One by one everyone started to enter the house.

"KOOKIIIIE" Hoseok jumped on Jungkook and Jungkook laughed and hugged him back.

"Hey Hobi."

"Oh hey Jungkook"

"Hey TaeTae"

"Are you going to stay for movie night?"

"Yea I am" Taehyung got overly excited and realized him and Hoseok were a lot alike when they got excited they tended to show it... a lot" Jungkook laughed and Namjoon butted in

"Hey Kook do you mind waking Yoongi up? We would but uh... he would kill us" Jungkooks eyes widened

"And you want me to wake him up and risk getting killed?"

"Uhhhh... yeees? I mean we've only known you for a few days and besides if you want to be our friend you have to wake him up at least once."

"Wait all of y'all had to wake him up?"

"Yup, everyone had to wake him up at least once"

"Yea once it led to Hoseok being chased with a knife....." Jungkooks eyes widened

"It's fine just don't scream in his ear while jumping on the bed... that's what Hobi did" Jungkook looked at Hoseok

"Yea I would kill him if he did that to me." They laughed and Jungkook headed upstairs and stood in front of the door that Jungkook remembered from the party. He knocked but no one answered so he opened it and there laid Yoongi sleeping. Jungkook walked up to him and sat on the bed staring at him. He looked really peaceful, Jungkook never took the time to actually have a good look at him, he looked so soft while sleeping but awake he looked intimidating and hot.

"Take a picture it will last longer" Jungkook jumped at the suddenly raspy voice that was Min Yoongi.

"Uhhh... sorry I was supposed to wake you up."

"Yea you did I felt you staring holes in my face" Yoongi sighed and sat up.

"Your not going to try to kill me?" Yoongi chuckled and shook his head

"I already took a nap earlier, so this was a second nap of the day... and you didn't touch me or annoy me so I'll let you live... but next time I will kill you. I hate being woken up" Jungkook swallowed and nodded before getting up.

"Well everything is ready so Jin told me to come get you" Yoongi nodded

"Your staying for movie night?"

"Yea I am, I had to talk to Jin and he invited me over"

"Yea I know"

"Oh you heard us at school?"

"No I heard you while you were talking to him I went to get some water and over heard" Yoongi got up and went downstairs leaving a dumbfounded Jungkook behind.

Jungkook snapped out of it and he went downstairs to see everyone there even another guy which Jungkook only guessed was Tony. And he was right when he heard Jimin.

"Oooh Tooonyyyy" Tony looked up to see Jimin holding a cup of milk. Tony smiled and took it drinking it. Jimin has the biggest smile on his face and Jungkook cooed. (Jackson appearing out of no where "cute")

Everyone sat around Namjoon and Jin cuddling, Hoseok and Taehyung cuddling, Jimin and Tony cuddling, and him and Yoongi... well they had to sit on the floor next to each other and Jin put iron man on and Jungkook got overly excited and told them that he was obsessed with iron man. Jungkook kept glancing at Yoongi who kept looking away when Jungkook would look at him. Near the end of the movie Jungkook felt sleepy and he started to fight sleep but it didn't go well. He fell asleep and his head fell to the right and Yoongi noticed and sighed, he picked Jungkooks head up and put it on his shoulder so that when Jungkook woke up he wouldn't be in pain. Jin noticed and nudged Namjoon who looked at the other 2 and smiled. When the movie ended Everyone was asleep al but Yoongi, he looked at Jungkook and moved the hair out of his face. He had to admit Jungkook really was beautiful, the way his mouth parted and little breaths would leave his mouth, the little freckle under his lip, the scar on his cheek from his dad, Yoongi sighed and grabbed a pillow and a blanket and laid Jungkook on the floor putting the blanket over him before going upstairs he looked one last time at Jungkook before shaking his head heading to bed.

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