7. Bleacher talk

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Short chapter, next few chapter will make up for this short chapter

They got to the bleachers and Yoongi pulled out a cigarette and went to hand Jungkook one but he shook his head

"I don't smoke"

"Why?" Jungkook shrugged

"I used to but I stopped when... well yea give me one, now that I'm not doing THAT anymore I need to relieve my stress some how" Yoongi gave him a cigarette.

"So... your a slut?" Jungkook sighed and lit the cigarette.



"I WAS a slut... I'm not anymore"

"Why?" Jungkook shrugged

"Just tired of it"

"Your tired of fucking people?"

"Well fucking and getting fucked"

"Oh so your bi?"


"And your a bottom?" Jungkook rolled his eyes and puffed another hit

"Don't even try it fuck boy" Yoongi shrugged

"Eh at least I tried." Jungkook chuckled. "So why were you a slut?" Jungkook shrugged

"Why are you a fuckboy?"

"Not gonna tell"

"Welp then I'm not going to Answer it either" Yoongi shrugged putting his cigarette out.

"Welp lets go slut" Jungook rolled his eyes

"I have a name you know"

"Eh well this is your new nickname... but I won't say it around anyone else." Jungkook nodded

"Why are you helping me anyway?"

"I don't have to have a reason to do something nice, keep that up and I'll delete the evidence and let that slutty ass teacher get what she wants or I'll just tell the school about you being a slut." Jungkooks eyes widened and he turned to Yoongi.


"Geez okay calm down I'm mean but I'm not that mean"

"Really? People fall for you and you just fuck them and throw them out like they are trash."

"So did you so you can't say shit." And Yoongi was right... Jungkook couldnt say anything.

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