34. Your sick

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"You really don't know? Your little boyfriend here..... can get pregnant" Yoongi looked at Jungkook is shock.

"I-is that true?"

"Yoongi please... I-I forgot but by the ti-"

"That's not what I asked Jeon Jungkook... is... that... true?" Jungkook looked down.

"Y-Yes... bu-"

"No... don't... I- I have to go" Yoongi left the bathroom and Taemin smirked at Jungkook.


"Well that was easier than I thought"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Well I wanted you back, and I heard you had a boyfriend well a fuck boy as a boyfriend anyway, I was going to set him up and you would get mad at him and break up with him then I'll be there to get you and comfort you and you will come back to me... but... this works I guess"

"Your fucking sick!" Jungkook ran to the stall and threw up

"Looks like I'm not the only one.... so I'm guessing your pregnant?"

"That's none of your buisness."

"Do you even know who the father is?"

"What the fuck are you talking about"

"Oh baby, you know I have my ways, you became a slut after I left tell me... do you even know who the father is?" Taemin punched Jungkook in the stomach And just like that the door flew open and Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung came running in and Namjoon grabbed Taemin slamming him on the wall punching him in the face, Jin ran to Jungkook and comforted him and Jungkook was in shock crying as everyone else was kicking Taemins ass. Jin got Jungkook up and walked out the bathroom to take him to the nurse when they froze and Jungkooks world broke even more.... Lisa was there... but not just there... he was kissing Yoongi. And what's worse... Yoongi was kissing back. Jungkook fell on the ground crying holding his stomach and Yoongi seen and pushed Lisa back and ran over to Jungkook but Jungkook just pushed him out the way.

"What happened?"

"Get... the fuck away from me... cheater!!!!!"

"No... that's not what happened she came on me I-i"

"Save it Yoongi... hope you and her have a nice life." Jungkook got up with Jins help and started to walk away.

"WAIT!!!" Jungkook stooped but not turning around. "Are you... are you pregnant... with my kid?"

"It doesn't matt-"

"Yea... he is" Taemin interrupted before Namjoon knocked him out. Jin and Jungkook walked away to the nurse leaving Yoongi there and Lisa smirking before running to Taemin making sure he is okay.

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