18. Kiss???

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c-can I kiss you?" Jungkook was Jungshook he didn't know what to say, did he want to kiss Yoongi? Did he want Yoongi to kiss him? He went with his gut and nodded his head and it surprised himself as well as Yoongi. But Yoongi looked at Jungkooks lips and started to lean in Jungkooks eyes fluttered shut as Yoongis did too. Yoongi closed the gap between the two placing his lips to Jungkooks, Jungkook kisses back, it wasn't rough Jungkook didn't know what kind of kiss it was. But it made him dizzy, he didn't know if it was the sent of Yoongis cologne or just this moment in general it was until Jungkooks stomach flattered that he realized.... he liked Yoongi. He was scared, he knew Yoongis type and he will just get hurt. He didn't want that. He automatically pulled away trying to fight back the tears Yoongi looked at Jungkook confused and Jungkook said a small 'im sorry' before getting up running out the room ignoring the calls of his name from Yoongi. He hopped in his car and drove home. He got out slamming his door doing the same to the front door ignoring the calls from everyone he headed upstairs to his room slamming that door before throwing himself on his bed crying. There was a knock on the door but he didn't hear it. The door opened and Jin walked in closing the door sitting on the bed, he grabbed Jungkook and held him in his arms and let Jungkooks arms wrap around him holding him close and tight, letting Jungkook cry in his arms. About 20 minuets later Jungkook was able to stop sobbing and Jin decided to see why he was upset.

"What happened Kookie?"

"I-I like Yoongi" Jins eyes widened

"Oh? How did you find that out?"

"M'we kissed" Jin choked on his saliva

"What?! When?"

"Music room after school"

"Wait after Yugyeom left?"


"Well what exactly happened?" Jungkook explained what happened since he went upstairs till they talked in the room

"Then he asked if he can kiss me... I didn't know how I felt I nodded my head and he leaned in slowly and yea..."

"Maybe he likes you?"

"No he doesn't he likes someone with a boyfriend."

"Well you may never know unless you ask"

"Jin I literally heard him say that he likes someone but they are dating someone" Jin sighed and looked up to see Yoongi standing in the bedroom doorway and gave him a look and Jin nodded.

"I'll be back okay love?" Jungkook sniffed wiping his nose with a tissue and nodded laying down. Jin walked over to Yoongi and patted him on his shoulder leaning into his ear. "You hurt him and I swear to god I'll chop your dick off and shove it down your throat got it?" Yoongi wasn't afraid of anyone or anything other than an angry Eomma. He nodded and Jin smiled "good bye bye" he left and closed the door and Yoongi turned back to Jungkook who was sniffling.

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