Leaving With Him...

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"Find a heart that will love you at your worst and arms that will hug you at your weakest..."

Aria's pov

I understand that we have reached back from the grasps that I hear from everyone. 

My mate is still carrying me in his arms with my face buried in his neck. 

He stops walking when the angry voice of Adam echoes and the music stops.


"What the hell is going on? Ari are you okay? Baby what happened to you?" Adam asks panicked and a loud growl comes out from my mate's throat and I immediately move in his arms and turn to face Adam.

He is not alone!

Alpha Marcus, Luna Rose, my brother, my mother and Anna with Kinda reach behind him some with a worried expression and some confused. 

I clear my throat nervously and I speak up.

"I am fine Adam, he is my mate, he is just helping me..."

Everyone's eyes open widely like a flash and my Alpha and Luna smile and turn to look at my mate who is still holding me in his arms with a serious yet confident expression.

"Andrew you are her mate?! How lucky you are my child. You both are really lucky!" Luna Rose yells with enthusiasm and I narrow my eyes thoughtfully.


My mate's name is Andrew and he knows my Alphas, I am sure I have heard this name before but I can't remember from where. 

I turn and look at him confused and he smirks.

"You know each other?" I ask and he nods letting me down to stand on my feet but he still wraps one hand around my waist.

"Everyone knows him Aria. He is Andrew Knight, Alpha of the Red Blood Moon Pack." Alpha Marcus explains and I gasp in shock.

My mate is one of the strongest alphas there are and his pack is one of the most feared, biggest and strongest. His pack always had perfect relationships with my pack and have cooperated many times in the past.

And he is my mate?!

"Ari, you look so pale." Kinda says with wary and I shake my head in confusion.

"I am alright, just shocked, that's all." I reply and my mother takes one step forward suddenly with her eyes burning from anger.

"You are a failure and look what a mate you have. You are the reason your father is dead and now what is going to happen?! You are ugly and fool, he is surely going to reject you and you will make me feel even more ashamed than I already am." she says through her teeth with an expression full of disgust and hatred and I stiffen.

My brother has the same look and he is shaking from anger. I try to breathe but I can't, it's killing me you know!

How can she talk to me like that? 

She acts like I am her enemy.

I am about to open my mouth to speak but Andrew growls interrupted me.

"Watch out how you speak to my mate! She may be your daughter but she is my mate and Luna. I allow no one to speak like this to her! Get lost! I don't want to see you again or else I will kill you!" he roars shaking outraged catching us off guard and pulls me closer to him.

Alpha Marcus gives them a warning look and my brother and mother leave like wet cats. Adam is about to say something but Andrew speaks up again running out of patience.

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