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"Maybe the sign you are desperately asking for can help you but only if you understand and allow it to... "

~one day later, somewhere in Andrew and Ari's pack~

Third person's pov

He stormed in the small, old, well-known for them warehouse with an anger that surprised her. His eyes were almost black, his jaw was clenching, his hands were shaking into fists and he was controlling his rage with lots of effort.

He was glad that they were never talking near the pack and they had this empty, distant warehouse in order to meet and 'discuss'. They may had been together for hours after Andrew had ordered them to get back to the pack but this discussion couldn't take place anywhere else, it wasn't safe. They had to leave the pack separated, she went first and he followed almost half an hour later, as always.

He wasn't talking to her at all, he was lost in his thoughts and the guilt was killing him. He had warned her but she never really listened to him to change her mind and now they were in deep troubles but he wasn't worried only for them. He...

He was feeling sympathy for 'his Alphas'. He had told her again that he was feeling wrong about betraying them but she never cared, she was ruthless, selfish and too stubborn. She wanted power, for her everything had to do with power over the others. She was never pleased with simple things and now due to her decision to trust Damon and then Brittany they were in danger after their Alphas.

Damon wasn't an idiot. Sooner or later he could find out that they helped Brittany trap Ari. With or without proofs he could certainly blame them and in the end kill them by himself but first he would kill Andrew and everyone else that would try to take Ari away from him.

He had enough! The last incidents were the drop that overflowed the glass.

"I am done! Did you hear me? DONE!" he said through his teeth approaching her with quick, confident and threatening steps.

She immediately fainted watching his wild, furious expression and took some steps back trying to keep distance from him but she stopped once her back touched the old, dirty wall. She stiffened nervously lowering her head and eyes in try to avoid eye contact with him and sighed harshly.

It was the first time she was seeing him so angry and she knew the reason. It was obvious that he was right from the beginning, he was expecting her plan about working for Brittany to fail in the end.

She had to calm him down, she was his mate, she could change his mind as always. She had never left him decide, she was the one who had full control over everything and things had to stay the same if she wanted to stay alive in the end.

"I was worried for you baby. I am sorry, I lost my whole life when I learnt what happened. Brittany had to tell them not to hurt you." She whispered pretending to be sad and raised her hands to touch him but he grabbed her wrists and pinned them on the wall leaning closer to her face.

His eyes were almost on fire, his breaths were hot, sharp, fast and he was hurting her. He wasn't the man she knew, things had gotten out of the limits. She couldn't even talk from the shock and fear.

"Really? I think you are worried only for your ass! You never asked my opinion, you never cared how the fuck I feel or what I want and need! For us! You never cared about US!" he almost screamed and bitted his lower lip trying to keep his voice as low as possible.

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