Not The End!

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"This is not our happy ending my love... This is our new, perfect beginning!"

~some hours later, Ari and Andrew's pack house~

Ari's pov

I take my place next to Andrew and observe everyone around me.

We are in our living room and it's time for me to tell them everything with some help from the women, Dexter and Connor.

I am sitting next to Andrew at the head of the room right in front of the fireplace and on the right, left and opposite side in front of us there are couches and big armchairs for everyone.

The kids are up in their rooms. William is with Amber in her room and Rose is taking care of these two and my grandma is putting Aelia to sleep while Aaron is playing with Ellie in his room and Odelia is with them.

On the big couch on our right is my mom with Nicolas, Clara, Kinda, Thomas, Mike and Miranda. Next comes Steven with Marcus, Alex and Robert in a smaller one and after them in a bigger one are Adam, Anna, Christina, Dexter, Ella, Patrick Viviane and Elsa with Jack and in the end we have Lynn with Malcolm, Maddie, Connor, Emma, Millie and Clayton. Will and Lucas are sharing a big armchair like Andrew and I.

I sigh relieved yet impatient and I feel Andrew squeezing my hand softly. I turn to him smiling and he leans and kisses my cheek while I place my other free hand on his knee.

"Are you ready my Luna?" he whispers and I nod chuckling.

I am more than ready but I assure you he is not and he will never be! I have done so many things behind his back and now I am quite nervous about his reaction, he won't like it and he will be right!

"Alright everyone! I think we can start now!" Andrew says after he clears his throat and they all nod in agreement while the murmurs stop instantly.

"So... Ari has to start because everything was her plan!" Anna states closing her eye to me with meaning and Kinda rolls her eyes.

She is still mad at us for not telling her from the beginning but it was necessary! She wouldn't have been able to act so convincing and I couldn't risk it!

"Fair enough! Anna is right!" my mom says next and I blush nodding.

"Um... Fine! The first idea came in my mind after I came back from the cave I had been with Malcolm and Damon! The only one that knew about it was Miranda and the other one was Malcolm because he saved me in time!" I begin and pause turning to Andrew and giving him an innocent smile because I know that he is going to be pissed off and he will be right.

"I know this look! I am going to have a heart attack, right?" he asks me through his teeth and I nod biting my lower lip.

"You can present it like this, maybe..."

"Yes?" he says signing for me to continue and Miranda nods in encouragement.

"So, you all know that Damon saved me from Brittany and killed her but what you don't know is that some minutes later he almost attacked me because my lip had a small bleeding and he couldn't resist its scent! At that point Malcolm saved me..." I say and Andrew sits up shocked with some gasps coming out from some of the others, my brother for example.

"Are you kidding me? And you never told me?!" Andrew screams and I lower my gaze taking his hand in mine and caressing it to calm him down.

"I know I should tell you but I thought about it and I preferred to use it against Damon when the right time would come! And at this point I put Miranda in my plans for good even if she had begun practicing some days before that incident!" I say and it's Mike turn to jump up surprised yet speechless.

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