"Truly One..."

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"The one who loves you will never leave you. Even if he has one hundred reasons to give up, he will find one reason to keep on holding on, you!"

Ari's pov

Yesterday we learnt about our baby's gender and immediately they all began making plans about everything related to Aelia, the room, her clothes, the furniture and personal things.

Steven said that he is going to make her room and wants just mine and Andrew's opinions about the room that we want and the furniture and Odelia left some time ago with Miranda and Millie in order to take Aelia's first clothes and some necessary things. Kinda, Mike and Thomas with Clayton are already planning something for her but they keep it as a secret until know and my mom, brother and friends are excited and promised special presents for our first baby girl.

And when it comes to Andrew and Aaron... Well let's just say that they are acting like crazy from now. Aaron is telling everyone that he is going to be a great big brother for his sister and today he has asked me more than 10 times if I need everything and it is still morning. He even asked us to change his room because he wants to be with Aelia all the time and got a bit disappointed when I explained him that this can't happen because they both need time and different things and program. Also Andrew said: "Good morning loves!" and not "love..." so as you all can understand now I am treated like I am two persons and not one. Under different circumstances I would be mad with him but I love his excitement and joy and I can't ask for anything more. This is really a heaven even if somewhere out there is still...

That psycho.

We still haven't found anything useful and Andrew doesn't say much about it making me more worried. I tried many times to find something useful in our pack member's files but I wasn't lucky and every time I ask Andrew, Thomas, Mike or Steven anything about the whole thing they just say general things that don't help me at all. We still keep the bug under the table but they don't say anything specific about this and Andrew seems quite worried. He doesn't accept to talk about it, he tries to avoid me when I try to ask and I know that he is suffering but it's like he doesn't even want to accept my help and this is really frustrating.

I really want to help and support him in any way I can but in my condition I can't do many and especially after the incident when my belly hurt about one month ago. I can't shift, I can't help with the training, I can't find anything that will lead us to someone, I can't think who the traitor or traitors can be, I am useless.

"Do not even dare say it again!" Myriam roars out of nowhere replying to my thoughts and I sigh in desperation.

"You know that it is true... We just sit and wait. For what or who? We have no clue at all..."

"You know someone that might be able to help us... If he is the one that attacked the cannibals then..."

"They might know something about him!" I end her phrase and she howls in agreement.

"But... Myriam, she refuses to talk to me. She doesn't answer my calls or messages... What else can I do?"

"Try again! Ari, you know that this pack had always problems and doesn't want any relationships and this is the reason that all these have happened to them. They might soften gradually. You won't lose anything, give it another try."

I think about it for a while and nod. She is right, I can try. She has to know that I am sorry about everything that has happened to them, that I want to help them if they need any help and that I would like a partnership with her. I am sure that Andrew would never accept that but right now I can't do anything else. He might doesn't talk about everything that is happening but considering his nervousness and silence I know that he knows something and that it is serious and not good at all for us. He is stuck, he doesn't want to admit it but he is lost and if I can help somehow I think that this is the only way...

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