"It's Them..."

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"People lie, actions don't! Or... Not?"

~few days later, Andrew and Ari's pack~

Andrew's pov

I turn off my car and take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

I don't know how I am going to act... This is my pack, my family, my biggest support and now I have to lie to them but I can't do otherwise. I want Ari safe and more possibilities to kill that bastard so we have to do what we have already decided.

It is going to be hard to pretend that Ari is still at Adam's pack and hasn't given birth to Aelia but I have to. I will be careful and everything is going to be alright!

God! I miss them so damn much!

I am talking to Ari all the time, I see her with the kids more than six times the day and I am acting like I can deal with it but believe me I am dying inside.

I miss everything about her, her scent, touch, smile, voice, hair, body... I miss her heartbeat above my chest, her hands on me, her lips against mine, her neck where I bury my face, her imposing aura! This is killing me!

And the kids... Aelia and Aaron!

I know that Aelia is already my weakness because she is my baby girl but I have to admit that right now I miss Aaron a bit more, it has been days since he left with my mother and it is the first time I am away from him for so long after we met and I feel awful! I have missed the first five years of his life and staying away from him now that I have spent the last months with him hurts like hell! This boy is incredible, so smart, sweet, strong, mature, brave... He is going to become a great man one day!

And my Aelia... She is my little baby, I love her too much. It is the first time I lived all these as I didn't do it with Aaron and the fact that she is such a little girl is making me react and feel more protectively. Ari and she are my loves, my girls, my cupid. Aelia is sweet like Ari even if she looks like me (and I would prefer her to look like Ari) and she is clearly a daddy's girl so I am a crazy father and if I am so hysteric now then I do not want to imagine what I am going to do when she gets older or finds her mate.


Okay, calm down Andrew, let's be optimistic, he is going to be a great man and he will love her more than anything!

Enough with this and back to our main topic for now...

My pack keeps on believing that I am with Ari and I am coming here almost every day to take care of everything and supervise all the preparations. The only people that know are Thomas, my father, Miranda and Mike, the most trusted I have left here in my place. In Adam's pack the people that are left are more as except from Adam are his father, Nicolas, Christina, Marcus, Lilian and Clara. Alex is also there helping Adam train his warriors better because they are not as good and strong as mine and Ari's grandma left to Canada with Ari, Kinda, Anna, the kids, Luna Rose, Ari's grandma and Alex's twenty fighters that came some days ago to guard Ari. Dexter and my mom are still there with them and as we have already discussed they are not coming back, they stay there.

"A penny for your thoughts Alpha..." I hear Thomas saying and taps my window making me jump up surprised.

I turn and look at him breathless and he bursts into laughter immediately. So funny!

Remind me to punch him later!

"You are an idiot!" I growl as I open my door catching him out of guard and making him lose his balance and almost fall down.

I guess it's my turn to laugh now!

"So competitive!" he groans standing up again appropriately and I smirk tapping his shoulder.

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