Plans, Dreams, Expectations...

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"We all want different things in this life. Some want love, some power, some passion and some blood. Who is going to win depends on the motivation, the means of achievement and maybe... The people that stand next to him..."

Ari's pov

It has been one week since the day I found the bugging device and had this sharp pain that send me straight at the hospital.

Fortunately I have felt no pain at all since then, not even a small one and I am grateful for this. I was extremely worried for the baby that day and I am still but I am trying not to show it or think about it because Maddie told me to be calm so I have to listen and follow her advice.

I try to eat properly even if sometimes I feel full after some bites but Andrew never lets me leave the table without being sure that my plate is empty or... Almost empty. The funny thing or maybe the tragic is that Odelia cooks everyday my favorite foods to make it easier for me to eat but I still can't gain my appetite and I don't know why. Maddie came yesterday to check on me and she told me that it is normal to feel like this after everything that has happened but she advised me to try to eat and of course Andrew assured her that he is going to take care of it personally...

This man is driving me crazy with his over protectiveness at the food but makes my heart melt to anything else. I mean that he is too tiring when it comes to the amount of food that I have to eat because he is not taking no for answer but his behavior generally is so sweet that makes me so happy and calm that I don't really care for having to stay in bed.

He is carrying me everywhere in bridal style like I am a queen (well I am his queen but still it is very sweet) and his expression when he is doing it is full of pride and his face is shining from happiness. I have to say that I love it when he carries me too and this makes Myriam acting like a puppy from pride. She is way too calm even if we can shift and let her take full control and go for a run. I know that she is trying to hide it but she really wants to have some fun and she can't due to our condition. I am glad that Andrew and Thunder are so caring and spend so much time with us because this helps Myriam and me both and it is way much important in our condition now that we stay almost all day in bed.

Andrew tries to train the pack for two hours early every morning and finish his work at the office until lunch in order to spend the rest of the day with me. Until now he is managing it every day and we have lots of fun either alone or with the guys and Aaron.

Right now my men are here with me as we ate lunch some time ago and Aaron didn't want to go for a quick sleep. I am lying on the bed (again) and Andrew with Aaron are sitting next to me playing a card game and causing me a small headache (these too are really competitive like all the purr Alphas even if they are father and son)...

"Yeah! I won! Mom I won!" Aaron yells excited and starts jumping up and down on the bed like a bunny.

I laugh and tap Andrew's shoulder that has a complaint expression on his face and growls annoyed but in a childish way that makes me laugh even louder.

"Oh my baby! Well done! I am proud of you." I say and pull Andrew closer to me while Aaron is still jumping and giggling.

"I can't believe that he is winning me all the time!" Andrew exclaims and buries himself in my embrace.

"I am better! Mom I am the best at this!" Aaron states and stops jumping breathless.

"I know baby. He doesn't know how to play." I say and kiss Andrew's cheek giggling.

"Baby it is just a matter of luck. Relax..." I tell him through our link and he responds with a low wicked laugh.

I slap his back annoyed and he laughs louder, he was teasing us all this time...

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