Not Again...

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"I promised that I am not leaving you alone again..."

~Adam's pack~

Third person's pov

The unknown for almost everyone woman raised her hands more with her eyes shining even brighter than before and her whole interest on the rogues that were running to her with speed and deadly intentions.

Clara and Christina were smiling next to her and the other woman in the middle smirked ready to give her order.

It was the time!

"Now Ella, all yours!" she whispered firmly and the other woman smirked.

"Thank you Anna..." She replied and took a deep breath.

"Ignis!" she said and immediately a bright, strong light surrounded her and her feet stopped touching the ground.

She was subordinating.

She was a witch...

The rogues stopped shocked and took some steps back with most of Adam's men having a terrified expression on their faces. Everything was too sudden for them, what was happening?

The very next second and before Damon's men gain their mind fireballs began flying on their direction passing by Adam's men. She was controlling and sending them straight to the rogues.

Voices, cries, screams and howls followed almost immediately as the fireballs found their targets and the rogues began getting burned despite their desperate tries to avoid them and their beggings for mercy.

"Luna?!" The Delta exclaimed still shocked and Anna smirked with a victorious expression.

"Happy to me see?" she asked him with her eyes still locked on the rogues that were getting burnt right in front of her eyes struggling and screaming as Ella was continuing sending more fireballs on them.

"What is happening? You are here, how?" he asked her breathless and all the men began gathering around them excited yet relieved.

"It is not time for explanations now. We have to help the others..." A deep man's voice said and the big, dark brown wolf stepped forward and closer to them.

"Love!" Christina exclaimed and run to him touched.

"Dexter?!" the Delta murmured more confused than before and the wolf left out a low, proud howl.

"At your services!" Dexter replied through their pack link and purred when Christina reached and hugged him in his wolf form.

"Who is she?" another man asked pointing Ella that was now touching the ground and the light around her had already began disappearing with her eyes turning back to normal.

"Ella, a witch and one of Ari's friends and Miranda's only cousin." Clara replied already knowing her and hugged her smiling emotional and the murmurs instantly began.

"How? Who..." another woman tried to ask next but Anna raised her hand and the murmurs got cut like a flash.

"No time for this. I am going to tell you only this... Ari's plans." Anna stated and they all began howling overwhelmed.

"Now, let's go and help Adam and Alex. You stay here and Clara with Christina and Dexter come with us!" Anna continued and they all nodded and bowed as...

The last of the rogues fell dead on the ground...

~at the same time, somewhere in Adam's pack's territory~

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