On Limits...

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"When surrounded by difficulties, dangers and enemies in life keep low, speak less, stay calm, be patient and have faith till the storm passes with the help of the people that really love you..."

Third person's pov

"This is just my first gift for you my Ari..."

Damon's voice came out of his throat quite harsh and wild, his eyes were still red with a mix or hunger and craziness in them, his breaths were fast and sharp and his body tensed enough...

All these were a bad combination for Ari's condition. She was surprisingly afraid of him. His aura had something dark especially after everything Brittany had told her. He was capable of anything, he wanted to harm Andrew, her family, her friends, her pack, even use to her children and blackmail her to stay with him and most importantly...

His father had killed hers and no one could change that, nor make her forget.

Damon might not have been responsible for her father's death but again she knew that he wanted revenge from her for years. The fact that he had changed his mind the last months because he 'had fallen in love with her' was nothing to her. She was sure that he didn't have good intentions for her either despite Brittany's words.

He wanted to hurt her family, destroy her life so how could he love her?

"Ari..." Damon whispered softer than before and stood up slowly some inches away from her without his red eyes leaving hers.

"I finally meet you in person, I was looking forward to see you..." he continued and took two steps to Ari trapping her between him and the tree.

"I am sorry I got late, I realized a bit late that she had escaped the prison and understood what she was up to. I and my men had to fight with her men so... Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" he asked shortly and his eyes began turning back to their natural black color.

Ari was staring at him like a statue without moving or making any noise. She had a blank expression, she understood what he was telling her with difficulty after some seconds had passed and she didn't reply at him at all. She was too confused, her mind was blank, she was not shaking anymore, she gradually stopped feeling scared, Myriam began taking control gradually getting ready to appear if it was needed and she was right.

Damon saw her condition and couldn't hold back, his vampire nature might wasn't so dominant than before but it was still powerful pressing him to take and do what he wanted. He wrapped his arms tightly around Ari and buried his face on her neck without leaving her time to react. Ari gasped for air ready to pass out realizing what was happening but her body was paralyzed and couldn't move. The more seconds were passing the more she was feeling bad.

Damon took her scent trying to calm his anger about Brittany and the whole situation but Andrew's scent on Ari made it worse. His mark was on her neck, his scent was inside her, she was Andrew's and not his making him mad again. He growled ready to let his vampire side take full control over his body again but then it was Myriam who had had enough and took control over Ari pushing him away and growling louder than him.

He fell on the ground next to Brittany's dead wolf and lifted his head surprised to look Ari's black eyes. His anger was gone in a second once he saw her expression. She was angry, she had a cold, harsh look, her hands were not around her belly anymore, they were shaking in fists on her sides and she seemed to hold back with great difficulty.

"Touch us again and I am going to rip your throat out!" Myriam growled with a deep, harsh voice.

Damon blinked his eyes speechless yet hurt. His wolf was screaming for some time trying to tell him something but he wasn't paying attention to him.

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