Revealings, Discoveries & Pain...

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"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it but in the end there it is and sometimes it also... Kills!"

~almost two weeks later, Damon's pack house~

Damon's pov

"Did Lynn woke up?" I ask Malcolm impatiently.

"Yes, she is in her room now getting dressed. I saw Irma in the corridor and told me."

I smile and I think I am blushing. He is staring at me smirking wickedly and I feel ashamed, really. I mean...

Last night Lynn was scared because of a bad storm and woke up panicked. I listened to her and left from my room to check on her but she was already opening her door to come to my room to find me. I was worried for her because she was shaking like a leaf from fear and she asked me to sleep together.


I think it was the best night of my life and don't be fast to judge because we did nothing sexual...

No, well... Almost nothing.

We had a great long making out!

Last night was definitely the best of my life and it's because of Lynn!

She is... Amazing! She is fearless even if everything is still too much for her and she lives with a pack of werewolves and a hybrid mate that drinks blood! She is changing me, she is the reason I smile all the time and I feel happy. I am not even getting mad!

Do you believe it?

Me! The monster that was killing for sport even for the most unimportant reason I am now laughing with silly things or small careless incidents.

She is an angel and she is calming the demon inside me, I can't say it better!

I can't even growl or groan with her next to me, one angry look from her and I feel weak.

Who could have imagined it?

A common human is making me melt.

I have the best time of my life the last days, she accepted me almost immediately after the first seconds' shock as you can imagine and from that moment we are together for hours every day. We are talking, learning things about each other, I also explain her everything she needs to know about the pack and our world and rules and we are getting closer to each other day by day.

I am at the point that I can't imagine my life without her. When I have her by my side everything seems beautiful!

Yesterday night I told her that I love her! I don't know how I did it but it came out naturally. I told her that I am another person and it is because of her, even my wolf has changed completely. He adores Lynn, he is worse than me, he can't stay away from her for too long and guess what...

She saw him, I mean I shifted and he had the chance to spend time with her as well.

Don't ask me how it happened, it was Lynn that was curious and too persistent to meet him even if I was worried for her reaction. I didn't want her to be scared because he is big and seems dangerous and she hasn't lived in our world to be familiar with it but I couldn't deny when she was almost begging me. So, I asked from Malcolm to be with her the first time (as she met him twice) and help her, not that Lynn needed help. Maybe it was me that needed it because I was worried and when I saw that surprisingly she liked my wolf very much I got a bit jealous.

She was treating him like he was a puppy, no! Excuse me, he made her treat him like this because he was actually acting like a puppy! I have never seen him acting like this, I don't know what to say, that was at least a miracle! He was lying next to her purring and when she was caressing his fur he was licking her excited while shaking his tail.

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