'His' Bleeding Rose...

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"The worst kind of pain for a woman is getting hurt by the person she explained her pain to..."

Damon's pov

I stop right outside Lynn's room and sigh nervously with a blank expression on my face and a heart that beats faster than any other time from fear.

Yes! Fear...

I still can't believe what a hell I am living the last two weeks...

These are the most torturing days of my whole life and I have lost control over everyone and everything, even myself and this is the worst...

Me, my mind, my anger, my needs, my actions, me!

It feels like a dream, a nightmare, I am still trying to proceed how this happened but every single time I stop because I can't take it.

How did I allow it to happen?

How did I accept to be so fool?

How did I allowed myself do this to her?

My Lynn... I did the worst thing to her and...


I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I am fighting to stay calm but it seems impossible to happen. It's been two weeks and every day I am getting worse and definitely not better, I bearably sleep and I drink blood almost every one hour leaving the girls dead.

And as for my wolf?

Well, Luscious is not talking to me because I am blocking him from the moment everything happened as he tried lots of times to take full control over me and make things I do not want to and...

I just don't want him!

God, why me?

What did I do to deserve all these?

I just fell in love with two women and I want both of them with me, why did this have to happen now that I am so close to take Ari and kill Knight?


Everything was perfect and it was the next morning after Lynn slept with me in my room and...

~flashback, about two weeks before~

I am with Malcolm in my office and he is giving me report about the army's preparations in order to attack Knight and Bruening's packs. I tried very hard to make him stop talking to me about Lynn and Ari and I am glad he stopped because I can't take this discussion anymore.

"I talked with the Gamma, everything is more than okay. The young fighters will be ready to fight if we need them as well. The dungeons are ready as you wanted now with Lynn here so are good." He says simply and I nod pleased.

"Great, thank you. I..."

"Alpha!" One of the guards that are constantly with Lynn screams through the link and I stand up immediately worried.

The tone of his voice was far away from calm, something has happened.

"What is it?" I ask in hurry and Malcolm stares at me confused.

"Luna... She... Um..." he tries to say but pauses making me lose my patience.

My heart is already hurting and I am getting panicked. When it comes to Lynn I can't be calm or patient, she is my everything and the fact that she is a human is not helping me, it makes things worse because she is more vulnerable.

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