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"Aren't you cute?" Wooyoung asked as he pinched a boy's cheeks.

He thought that Yeosang's friends from his old school were all so perfect.

"Stop it~" Jisung whined as he smacked Wooyoung's hands away from his face.

This wasn't Han Jisung.

This was Park Jisung.

"But you're so CUTE! I'm gonna keep you!" Wooyoung squealed.

San sat in a chair nearby with a soft smile.

"You sound like your dad." He chuckled as he thought about the first time he met Wooyoung's parents.

"Jisung Pwark!" Wooyoung said in a obnoxious way. It made Jisung's nose scrunch up as small smile etched its way onto his face.

Mingi laid on the floor while rolling his eyes. He didn't have a problem with anyone, but he wanted Yunho to be there.

"Why so down?" Someone asked him. It sounded like a motherly type tone, which made him realize who it was.

"I'm okay Taeyong." Mingi said with a forced smile.

Taeyong shook his head in disbelief.

"You're not okay, but you can talk to me anytime you need to." He said with a big grin.

Mingi nodded before burying his head into his arms.

"How long are you guys staying anyway?" He muttered.

"Well Ten, Johnny, Jisung, Chenle, Taeil, Sicheng, Yuta, and I will be staying here until tomorrow. Then we'll be moving into Minho's house." He said while tilting his head in a few directions. His hands moved in a weird way.

Taeyong was malfunctioning.


Mingi couldn't help but to laugh really hard. He knew it wasn't right to laugh, but what had just happened almost made him piss his pants.

"Someone come get their manz." Mingi screamed while laughing.

Taeyong sucked his teeth before giving Mingi a fake smile.

"This is what happens when I try to help a irrelevant person feel better." He muttered.

Mingi choked as he looked at Taeyong with a shocked face.

"Yeosang! Come get your friend before I fight his short ass!" He screamed.

San, Jisung, and Wooyoung watched the altercation while laughing so hard that they started crying.

"Taeyong is usually nice." Ten pouted as he walked into the living room.

"Taeyong is usually nice. This dude just called me irrelevant." Mingi scoffed as he looked at his phone for the hundredth time.

"Are still waiting for your friend?" Ten asked as he batted his eyelashes.

He really wanted to see what Yunho looked like. Especially after how Yeosang and Mingi kept talking about how tall and gorgeous he was.

"You have a boyfriend." Mingi scoffed as he got up from the floor.

He was about to say something smart until he heard the sound of a doorbell ring.

"Move midgets." He said before shoving Taeyong and Ten to the couch as he rushed to the door.

Ten and Taeyong looked offended as they watched the tall boy rush to the front door.

Mingi bit his lip in anticipation as he opened the door eagerly. His hopes went down the drain when he saw a guy holding multiple pizza boxes.

"Here's your p-"

The poor man couldn't finish since Mingi grabbed the boxes and slammed the door shut, after giving the delivery man a twenty dollar tip.

"At least he tipped him." Ten muttered as he watched Mingi sit next to the door and start eating some pizza out of the box.

He frowned as he thought about how lonely Mingi looked.

"You need to date someone! You look so lonely!" Taeyong suddenly said as he turned on the living room TV.

"Oh shut up. Your bestfriend is your ex boyfriend." Mingi shot back.

"Ohhhhh" Jisung and Wooyoung said childishly.

"Oh please, you've been in the friendzone since you and your bestfriend were kids." Taeyong snickered. He learned about Yunho and Mingi's status from Seonghwa.

"Burn." San and Ten muttered.

It was pretty ironic for San to say burn since him and Wooyoung had been together for only a few months after being friends since they were babies, but Mingi wasn't going to expose his friend.

Before anyone could do anymore damage to anyone else's ego, loud knocking was heard from the door.

Mingi stood up quickly as he kicked the pizza boxes aside. He eagerly opened the door to see Yunho smiling brightly.

"YUNHO!" Mingi squealed as he hugged the soft spoken boy tightly. He quickly pulled his bestfriend into the house before kicking the door close.

Ten, Taeyong, and Jisung looked towards the door with wide eyes.

"He's fucking gorgeous." Jisung muttered.

Taeyong looked at him with a bewildered facial expression on his face.

Yunho blushed a bit as he dropped his duffel bag down to the ground. He felt suffocated as Mingi hugged him tightly, but he didn't want Mingi to let him go.

Mingi felt as if he could hug Yunho all day and never let him go.

But the moment was soon ruined by someone pulling Mingi away from Yunho.

"Hello, my name is Ten. You must be Yunho." Ten said in a seductive voice. He wiggled his eyebrows as he bit his lip.

"I have a girlfriend." Yunho chuckled nervously as his ears turned red.

Ten fell backwards in a dramatic way, only to be caught by Mingi.

"Oh the pain! The beautiful person has a girlfriend! Escape while you can, before you fall too deep in love." Ten cried out dramatically, but whispered the last part to Mingi.

"Excuse him, my name is Taeyong." Taeyong muttered as he walked up to the tall boy with a nervous smile.

"I've heard about you! You and Ten dated, but he d- you two are bestfriends." Yunho corrected himself when he heard San start coughing dramatically.

Taeyong nodded with a soft smile.

"That cute shy boy is Jisung." He said as he pointed towards the shy boy that sat in between San and Wooyoung.

Yunho waved at him, causing Jisung to blush.

"Where is everyone else?" He asked while taking off his hoodie, making his shirt rise a bit, showing a glimpse of his toned body.

Everyone looked like they had just been hit by a truck from something so small.

"Th-They are upstairs playing truth or dare." Mingi gulped.

"Let's join them."



Sincerely, OhDaddyKun🤠❤️

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